Wolf Bait (Perry and Jonas)

Chapter 200


“I know that. I-” I clear my throat. “I was committed for a while. I’m not going out of my mind because the blue monkshood that Darren wanted to use to help Mackenzie works,”

“You’re kidding,” he laughs. “You allowed yourself to be put in a m**ntal health institution?”

“I volunteered. Yeah,” I nod.

“Please tell me what f****ed up thing you did to convince yourself that it was time?”

“I was going feral and I’let Jonas mark me to extend my time. While we were bonded I opened up our mating bind to everything knowing that when I died he’d potentially become feral. Then I made him swear to kill me once I got him what he wanted. Then he did after I told him I loved him for never disappointing me,”

“Why would you do that? You said-”

“I know what I said,” I growl at him. “But they hadn’t paid for what they did to me and I knew that when I died he was going to go after everyone. You’ve seen him. He’s a monster just like us. Maybe he doesn’t have the experience we do, but the potential was f***king phenomenal,”

“You’re an a****ole,” he shakes his head.

“Yeah, I know. It got worse when I woke up like this,” I motion myself. “He made the connection when I woke immediately tried to rip my throat out in front of him,”noveldrama


and I

“***k,” he comes over and wraps his arms around me now that I can’t stop crying.

“I f*****ng did that to him and he’s never punished me for it,” I choke out. “Look at all of this. I don’t deserve any of it. I’m the biggest piece of shit I know. It doesn’t make sense that I get to have any of it,”

“I’ve been around him enough to see that he’s not the kind of person that holds on to the dark stuff the way we do. You should have seen him f***ing shit up with his brother. If any of my brothers ever tried half the shit he did, I would have ended any of them brutally. That guy looks at you like the f****ng sun shines out of your a****,”

“I know. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve told him to f****k off and he thought it was funny,” I push him away. He scoots back and laughs.

“Maybe it doesn’t matter to him because unlike you, he’s a very forgiving person. I’ve never seen you like this. Don’t let what could have been with Darren f***k up what’s happening now with Jonas. The King knows what he has in his arms. He’s never going to compare what you can do to what he can. That’s micro-d****k **it and you know it,”

“You competed against the Rogue King since you joined the KNAVE. You took it the hardest when he died. Darren and I had known each other since we were pups. Growing up, all we did was try to one-up each other.

“Just because we ended up being mates, wasn’t going to change that. I wouldn’t be the insufferable know-it-all I am without him pushing me to this. I was nineteen when he was murdered, Knight. We had time to figure out how to be better,”

“Or worse,” he smirks. “I get what you’re saying. It doesn’t change my opinion of him or anyone else’s. I’m just glad you’re alive. Even if you look like a dumb sparkly bloodsucker now,”

“Mackenzie said the same thing even before my hair faded,”

“It looks okay. You’re intimidating now. You were such a soft girl as a brunette,”

“F**k off. No, I wasn’t,” I laugh.

“Not as soft as Violetta, but you were up there. You had this face that said Baby me,” he mocks.

“No, I didn’t. Shut up, Knight”


“Why do you think all the guys see you as their li

I bet even the King’s men want to protect you,”

“Yeah, I’m their Queen and I hope they do. You guys are like fifty years older than me,”

“No, it’s because you’re a baby. A six foot, dark humor, sailor-mouthed, engineering baby and I’m six years older than you,”

“I hope your mom hits you with her belt when you go home,” I glare at him making him laugh more.

“Open your toys, you big baby. I’m invested. You need two more to complete the set. I’m keeping one if you get an extra,”

“You’re not keeping anything. These are all mine. My King got them for me,” I reach over to get some of the bags he pushed off the table earlier. I find another box with the same series picture as the first one. “Can you at least do something for me before you go?”

“Sure,” he agrees.

“You’re just going to agree? What if my request is unreasonable?”

“You’re the least unreasonable person I know. That’s a Violetta-level threat,”

“That’s true,” I agree. “She’s mean as hell,”

“What is the request, Perry?”

“When you start feeling like this is it or now is fine, will you tell me her last name so I can track her down and make s she’s okay?”

“You’d do that?” he smirks.

“Yeah, do you really think I believed Jake bailed me out all those times? He never touched a penny of the transferred him,”



“You know too much about everyone, Kid. Go back to school. Start making your little robot b***hit again. Get a Ph.D and become the insufferable little shit you’re meant to be.

“I don’t know her last name. All I know is that she was some kind of designer. Violetta might know who she is if she’s still doing that here in the US,” he pulls out his wallet and holds up a napkin. I take it and see there’s a little sketch of a very elegant dress on it and it’s signed, Phoebe. “The best way you can find her is probably by having Vy make that for you. I bet she’d be pi****d you stole one of her designs. She came off a little feisty. She has a firstborn daughter in a big family vibes,”

“Like Violetta?” I laugh.

“Yeah, just less murder and more I’m living my best life,” he smiles genuinely as he tucks the napkin back in his wallet. “If


do look for her,” he stands up when his phone pings. “Wait for me to be dead. I don’t want to see her again. I’ll be f***ng p**d if you make that happen, Perry. Laters, Kid,”

“Wait, I thought you said you were staying,” I stop him. When he turns around I toss one of the extra toys at him. If he were at full strength, he wouldn’t have almost dropped it.

“I’m not staying here with a bunch of Lycans. Are you out of your mind?” he scoffs. “I also don’t want to be here when Mackenzie and Jacob show up. If they agree to kill the kid, listen to them,”

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