Wolf Bait (Perry and Jonas)

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

I can’t remember the last time this many IOs were in one room without a kill order. I guess that’s not entirely true since the reason we’ve gathered here today is for that final kill order none of us have ever had the balls to take or even think about. Okay, I’ve thought about it a lot, but never out loud to the others I never expected them to be on my side.

We’re about to lock in on the labs with the bombs installed and my heart is pounding in my chest. Bunny and Roy are filling the chairs needed to complete the circle that will work to keep anyone from finding us while we arm each bomb from here before heading out to our assigned locations.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve seen one another,” Violetta starts to try to calm us all down. “But it’s been a long time coming,” she says. Roman and Baby are fidgeting in their seats. We all need out for whatever reason. This is how we do it.

“Darren, the piece of shit that he was always looked out for all of us. No one took our causalities as personally as he did. No one stood up to the old man the way he did,” her eyes meet mine. I will always regret not standing up for him when he gave Liam the coordinates and instructions to issue that kill order. I’m sorry, Perry,”

“I knew,” I swallow the lump in my throat. “We’ve all had a hand in each other’s destruction. I’m sorry for the part I had in executing the Rogue King And aiding your father,” I look over at Knightly. “I’ve never met him personally, but I know how much you hate him,”

“What the fuck is this? A fucking intervention?” he growls. “When do we get to fuck shit up?”

“Baby is nineteen him,


sold. Shut the fuck up so we can calm her. She’s on the verge of shifting, you fuck,” Violetta snaps at

She’s not. In fact, out of everyone in the room, including Roy and Bunny, Baby is the calmest.

“I’m fine,” Baby says looking over at her brother confused.

“She’s fine,” Roman laughs. “Look, we all fucked up, but we’re here now. I killed the Rogue King myself and he was my blood. I don’t feel too bad about it. Just like none of you should feel bad about Darren. We all know exactly who we are and what we’re capable of. If they were still alive, we wouldn’t be here ready to burn all this shit down and Knight. If anyone should feel sorry about anything they’ve done, it’s you. You brought most of us into this shit,”

“Fine. I’m sorry,” he says gently. “For all of it. And yeah, I do feel bad about what happened to Darren. Enough to apologize to you personally, Perry. But not enough to pity him. I know that if he kept going, he’d be in the same position as the Rogue King. I’d rather it had been him than you,”

“It was both of us,” I look down at my hands. “You know that, right? He killed us both. From here on, this responsibility dies with him. We don’t think about the things he made us do. None of it happened. Figure out a way to deal with it. I will always be available to all of you if you ever need anything from me.

“No one knows me better than you guys. I know we’ve tried to keep business and personal separate, but you guys are my family too. Those who slay together stay together forever. And we’ve slain enough to make our forefathers proud and hopefully embarrassed because the numbers are fucking ridiculous. All in?”

“All in,” they all echo.

“Is there anything Violetta asks.

of you

would like to disclose before we begin? Anything that can get in the way of our mission?”

“Anything that he could use to turn us against one another,” I clarify, looking around the room. The only ones that meet my eyes are Roy and Bunny. Fuck. This is going to hurt,

“I put a gun to Calvin’s head and made him accept his bond to Morgan,” Roman raises his hand. “She was unconscious and Julian forced him to mark her. When she woke up we did the same thing to her and we made her cut off ties with you. It was that or we were to execute her entire family. I just want you to know that she was willing to die to protect you,”

14:37 Sun, Dec 15 tio.

I stare back at him. Both Knightly and Roy stand when I lose my composure. I turn away from the table trying to catch my breath.

“Fuck, Rome,” Violetta sighs heavily,

“I fucking killed her,” I shout turning around to face him. “And their son,”

“Fuck them,” he shrugs. “He still gave the old man the perfect fucking cover–up. There have always been casualties in this. Always. It might have happened even without our interference. don’t know what his fucking obsession with you comes from. You’re a fucking beta,”

“That’s not the fucking point,” Violetta growls at him.

My ears are ringing as I play his words over and over in my head I can feel the king pushing against the borders of our connection but the last thing I need at the moment is for him to try and make me feel better. Roman’s confession makes sense and so does his question. He knew. He fucking knew who was. He’s known who I am all along and he wanted to use me to take the place the Rogue King held at his side. His heir.

“Mother fucker,” I growl sweeping my arms over the table in front of me. Supplies and bottles go flying. “He fucking knew,”

“Perry-” Violetta stands in front of Roman and Baby protectively

“I’m not going to fucking hurt him,” I scoff at her. “He wanted me to be him,”

“Again, you’re a fucking beta,” Roman repeats. “If anything he would have picked one of us,” he motions to the other alphas. “We’re alpha,”

“I’m not a fucking beta. I never was. I just recently found out that I’m related to Savage,” I rub the stinging sensation of my rage on my face. “He’s my cousin. His aunt was my biological mother,”

“What the fuck?” Knight looks between Violetta and me.

“My dad had us under witness protection. I thought it was because of who he was, but it was more than that. I don’t know how the old man knows, but it’s pretty obvious he does. Fuck, I’m such a dumbass. I went and fucking offered myself up like fucking delivery pizza,” I drop into the office chair feeling exhausted and I haven’t even done anything yet. “I gave him the means to figure that out when he sent me to bring Savage back from Yemen. He asked me to swab his mouth and I brought him a vile of fucking blood,”

“Shit,” Violetta sits next to me. “How did


find out?

“The Alpha King told me a couple of weeks ago. The Falcon had me get closer to him. I saved him a few times. We’ve partied and compared notes. He said he looked into my bloodline to see how badly I would react to my bond with Darren breaking. That’s when he found out who I was. He did his research and found out a whole lot of royal secrets. That’s all the information I can disclose,”

“Then Calvin went and fucked it all up by selling you to the Lycan King,” Violetta shakes her head.

“Eww,” Baby snorts. “Your cousin wanted to fuck you,”

We all laugh because what more is there?

“It wasn’t Calvin who sold you to the Lycan King,” Roman looks back at Knightly.

“What?” I sit up looking between them.

until I I sent that message to the King,” Knightly glares at him and then meets my stare. “I didn’t know saw the medical report before you removed it from the public eye. I was hoping he’d give you the peace you wanted. This way you could go out in a way that made sense to all of us. noveldrama

you were pregnant

“When we clashed at the figlus. I wanted to tell you, but you seemed happy. You were fucking twelve when you broke my patterns and you did it with ease. I sent Lydia for you because I thought we were making a difference, but it turned out that the old man is just as bad as my father.

“Calvin deserved everything he got. So did Liam and so did Alice I am sorry about Morgan, but it was too late for her. The same thing that happened to you would have happened to her if you hadn’t killed her. I just wanted to make things right,”

“You fuck,” I sit back. “Anyone else?”

“I am responsible for the Lycan Prince falling into our radar,” Bally raises her hand. “I didn’t know who he was, but he’s crazy hot and I was hoping the old man would let me keep him,”

Knightly and I laugh at her confession, Roman smacks her on the back of her head.

“What the fuck, Ramona?” he growls at her.

“Knight is the bigger asshole. He got Morgan killed,” she quips.-

“Hey,” Knightly fakes being hurt.

“I can’t believe this whole time you were a fucking princess and we called you trash bag,” Roman scoffs.

“Wow, if Ed publishes your profile it’s going be a best fucking seller,” Bunny laughs. “I want you to sign mine and I really really want to encourage you all to see her psychiatrist. That mother fucker is mental health god,”

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