Wolf Bait (Perry and Jonas)

Chapter 183

I'm staring at the evidence in front of me and my mind refuses process it. I couldn't join the King for dinner tonight. I've been locked in my study long enough to take everything out of die boxes and assign each item a place in this room. My blood is rushing and I don't know what to do other than to keep working.

"Perry," the knock behind me startles me, but I choose to ignore. I slip my headphones on and turn up the music.noveldrama

My hands move over the keyboard as the locations where the gold was stolen from last come up. A transport van in Berlin dates back to three months ago. The months fucking months ago, I have to be missing something. I slide the golden cuff off my wrist and hold it up. There's no way this is happening, but the evidence speaks for itself.

I can't even chalk this up as a copycat. There is no one out there who can mimic something so perfect. Not like this. There's only one and he's been dead for five years. It'll be six in three months.

I growl gripping the hand on my shoulder and pull slamming whoever came in without my permission on my keyboard.

"It's just me," the King says alarmed.

"Fuck. I'm so sorry, Jonas. What are you doing?" I let him go and stand up taking my headphones off. I look back to see he kicked the door in. "Why?"

"You weren't answering the door. I was worried," he says rubbing his wrist. "What's wrong? I can see your energy

I look down and sure enough, my skin is almost glowing. I take a deep breath and shake off the disbelief.

"I had my headphones on. I'm sorry. I lost track of time," I lie. He looks around knowing I'm full of shit, but he chooses to ignore it anyway.

"You finished," he says. "You know what this room can use?"

"Hello Kitty shit?" I say going on long with the light he brought in with him.

"Hello Kitty shit," he smiles. "What's wrong? We're connected, remember? I can feel the stress you're under,"

"The heist," I say sitting back at my desk. I lean back and show him what James sent me.

""What heist?"

"The one that got Scofield the gold. I know who did it,"

"Nice, care to tell me? Should we be worried?" he asks.

"All of it. From the way the van was broken into to the way, everything was removed and rebranded. It was Darren. He has signature. Even in his coding and the only other person who has ever been able to replicate it is me. There is no one else. Not even Bunny can do this shit yet,"


"I know how it sounds, okay. But I'm telling you this is authentic and it happened three months ago. It's all right there," I point at it. "If you want another opinion, call Jake. He's going to tell you the same thing because it was Jake's mate who taught us this,"

"What if either one of them taught someone else? The Falcon can be using this to lure you back in, Perry. I know how much this affects you, baby, but take a deep breath. He's right here," he takes the cuff from the table. "You've been carrying this thing around for the past five years. He's not anywhere else,"

"Can you please call him?" I whisper wanting to believe him. He mods taking his phone out. He even puts it on speaker.

Jonas, is everything okay Jake answers immediately.

"Hey, Jake. Yeah, everything is okay. I have Perry here with me she wants to show you something.

"Sure, Jake agrees.

"Hey, Jake," I switch the call to facetime.

"Have you two been fighting again?" he ask disappointedly. "You're a tness,"

"No, actually we're good. Something came up. On Saturday, Jo and I went out and some shit went down in Nova with Alpha Scofield," "You didn't kill him, did you?" he asks worriedly. I smile and shake my head.

"I did break his face though,"

"I'm calling that progress. That's my girl," he laughs. Even the King cracks a smile.

"He was bribed by some gampires with this gold," I plug my phone into my computer to project what's on mine to his phone:

"Wow, that is beautiful. Where'd the vamps get it?"


"We know from who?"

"That's where we have a problem,"

"There's no way you of all people can't trace this," he scoffs.

"James did it for me. Jake, it's him," there's a very long pause. A pause long enough to break my heart all over again.

"Can I move this?" he ask

"Yeah," I say and he starts going through everything. After a moment, he lets out a heavy sigh and even lowers the phone away from his face. I stare down at the darkness of the screen.

"Okay. I'm on my way," he says when he's visible again.

"Wait, wait," the King says. "There has to be something else. Think about this. That fuck wants Perry back and he'd do anything to get her there. This is a trap,"

"I love this Kid, Perry. If you fuck this up, I'm going to be in your ear for the rest of my life. Remember that. I'll be there in a couple of hours. Warn the twins. Tell them that their mother will be joining us," "Yes, sir," I agree.

"Hey, we'll figure this out. I want you to get it out of your head. Yes?"

"Yes," I nod.

"I'll tell Mackenzie. I know you two aren't to happy with one another at the moment,"

"She's mad I slapped up her drinking buddy," I explain.

"Drinking buddy?"



"My brother," the king says

"You're going to give Roy a fucking heart attack," he shakes his head. "Why are you letting them hang out?" "What? Mackenzie isn't going to sleep with that fuck. She's conviticed she's gay. She's playing with Oz."

"What?" the King laughs.

"Oh, that makes more sense now," he nods. "I don't mind that. I think she'd be a great influence on her,"

"She's mated," the King says softly and very worried.

"She has a mate. There's a difference,"

"There's no difference. That's like saying I could go out and do that when I pleased,"

"We're mated and married and legally not allowed to ever separate. I'll murder you and her and her entire family before murdering her and then kill her if you ever do that to me. It would be bloody and disturbing. I'd probably be put in the box your brother was in until I shrivel up and die. It would totally be justified,"

"I accept those terms and offer the same deal," he holds his hand out and I instantly shake it.

"It's different because she wants nothing to do with him. She's going to do everything in her power to ensure he hates her,"

"That's not the way of going about that. It's not going to get ugly until she tries to fuck another dude,"

Tam hanging up now," Jake says.

"Bye, Jake. I'll see you in a bit. Drive safe,"

"Hang tight, Perry," he hangs up. I sit back and stare at the monitor. I unplug my phone and look down at the bangle. I shake it to hear its contents.

"There was this moment when we were at the restaurant on Saturday," I toss it back on the table. "When I saw the vampires, I was like oh, okay. This is what that was,"

"What?" he asks crossing his arms over his chest.

"When Darren shifted and for hours after coming back, he scared the fuck out of me. My wolf loved that shit. With just a look I'd be paralyzed. I was always afraid of him when we were growing up. I'd always pick my fights when and where.

"But after he shifted it was like looking in the eyes of evil. And my body responded to that. Just as bad as when you touch

I felt it that night. It made my skin crawl. I figured it was just the vampires but there was a third one. He never showed

1. me.

his face,"

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