Wolf Bait (Perry and Jonas)

Chapter 177

*I still want to go to the fight. I say when we get Cam to Oz so she can make sure that vampire bitch didn't mess him up too badly.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Baby-Perry," he corrects himself immediately and I smile at him. "Sorry."

"Baby is fine. It's princess I have a problem with," I clear my throat as I approach the stairs.

"Can I ask why?" he stops me from going up.

Tonight has shaken me a little. I don't know what to make of it. I know what I felt and maybe it was my evil radar picking up on the vamps or maybe I've gone so deep in my paranoia that I'm starting to see things that aren't there because of the blue wolfsbane. Whatever it is, I have to talk to Ed about it.

"Darren only called me that when I stepped out of line or did something he didn't approve of. He'd call me his pretty princess and I honestly hated it. I know it's supposed to be cute or whatever, but I always knew he meant to hurt me because of my status in the pack. Years of competing against one another had this strange effect on our relationship and I think he did it to keep himself frott bitch slapping me across the face,"

"Okay, he gently caresses my cheek. "You know I'd never try to punish you like that, right? I'd tell you straight away if you do something I'm not okay with,"

"I know," I nod. "There's honestly not a lot of things that can trigger me. Darren's death and princess are probably the worst. That asshole had no right to say that to me. Alphas have the worst small dick syndrome. I swear to fuck," "You're sure you want to go to the fight?"

"Yes, I think we could use it. I love boxing. I just need to get out of this. I swear I can smell those things on me still. I also want to wear something I can move in better. You know, just in case,"

"Of course. Me too," he agrees. "Meet you down here in ten,"

I push up on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. He smiles and watches me rush up the stairs to my study where I finally have a fucking closet and lots of organizing space. I love this jacket or coat. Whatever. It has Underworld vibes and I'm not going to get over it any time


I change into a pair of black high-waist skinny jeans and my favorite crop black crop top. I put my weapons back where they belong so that I can get the ones that aren't going to be picked up by metal detectors. Once ready to go, I take the gold brick I took from Alpha Scofield.

I've never seen the symbol engraved on the top, but I know the way the Falcon works. I've stolen enough for him to know that this can be traced. I walk out and head up to the third floor to get my new asset to look for these things. I knock on his study door. "What?" he growls ripping the door open and then pauses when he finds me standing here. "Sorry, Silas was being bitch earlier. What do you want?"

"I have this," I hold the gold bar up.

"The tickets weren't worth that much," he takes it with a smirk.

"The Falcon used that to bribe Scofield into letting his vampire groupies get this invitation to me," I hold up the card. When he reaches for it I pull back. "Tell me where these were stolen from first and then we'll talk about attending this," "Do you know the origin?" he rolls his eyes.

"That gold has this pretty glint to it. It's a signature from a blacksmith who has been dead for about eight years now. Her

14.20 Sun, Dec 8

name was Flora Harlent, I don't recognize the symbol but it's Gaelic, Start there..

"Scofield had a bag full of this shit so that tells me there was a huge shipment of this somewhere and the Falcon got to it. When you find the report I need as many details from the incident as you can find. All of it. Even what they used to dust for prints, "Why?" he asks.

"So I know who stole it and how long ago," I turn to leave. "I want a report by morning,"noveldrama

"I can have one when you get back,"

"The last thing I want to do after watching two beasts fuck each other up with my mate is see you or think of what you're going to find. I'll see you tomorrow," I wave him off.

I find the King waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs the way he was at the beginning of our night. He has a smile on his face and that's enough to inform me he was listening and that it led his overzealous ego.

"Ready?" he asks looking down at me with a grin.

"I am," I laugh. His spaceship is waiting for us outside.

My Van's crunch against the newly fallen snow. I'm almost to the car when the King lifts me up, carries me to the door, and settles me in. I've grown used to it, so I don't fight him anymore. It's actually kind of cute that he does it now.

I hate the cold. I'm a summer baby and as a wolf, I loved basking in the sun like the cold reptilian asshole that I am. But it's not bothering me now. It's actually pleasant.

"You okay?" the King asks. I look over at him and nod.

"Yeah, are you cold?" I ask wondering if this is a Lycan thing.

"No. Are you? I can turn the heat on your seat on,"

"No, I'm asking because the cold usually bugs me,"

skin. It's your natural

"You're a Lycan now. Your pelt adjusts to your environment. Even in your skin. Especially in your instinct to protect yourself. It'll probably play into your new abilities. I spoke with Rick and he said he'd be willing to help with the transition," "The last thing I want is to spend any time alone with him or have him teach me shit he can later use against me,"

"He's your family,"

"Right, which is why I'm telling you that it's not a good idea. If what runs in my blood runs in his, we're enemies who tolerate each other because we know we'd fuck each other up,"

"You are a funny girl," he grins. "You won't kill your enemies because they're respectable outside of your relationship with them, but you can't trust that your family might hold good intentions either,"

"There's no doubt that Rick," I mock his name. "Has good intentions. We all start out that way, Lycan King. But the outcome often becomes blurred. I find that looking out for myself is the best option for surviving. I'd like some cliff notes, I won't deny that. But as for him teaching me and working on this power with me. It's out of the question. He's still the Alpha King and we're Lycans.

"Nove that you're making friends and that you're as welcoming as you are because he's my blood. But don't buy into everything they offer. He wants something. I know he does. We just have to wait and see how he's going to go about asking for it. He didn't reveal that we were related because he was feeling nostalgic. There's always an angle. Even when they say otherwise,"

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