With the Colonel’s Help: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Under an Endless Moon: Chapter 56

It was disorienting, floating on the highest high one second, then being sucked down into the mayhem that suddenly spiraled in the room.

A vortex swilling all air and light from the space.

An animosity and disbelief and hurt so thick that I didn’t think my brother could see anything in front of him other than a man who’d violated his sister.

Someone who’d lied and betrayed.

Someone he no longer recognized or loved.

Someone who’d hurt me.

Not when he flew across the room at the same second Otto had fully turned and taken two steps toward him with his arms stretched out at his sides like some kind of offering.

River gave no warning before his fist flew. A violent crack ricocheted off the walls when it landed on Otto’s cheek.

Shock ripped out of my lungs, for one moment stunned that my brother would attack Otto this way.

Probably more stunned that Otto just let him.

Like he was inviting the punishment.

Otto grunted a low sound at the connection. Pain that he tried to keep contained.

He just stood there while River delivered another punch, that one to the other side.

No doubt, he believed he deserved it.

Blood splattered with the crunch, and Otto rocked to the side, inhaling a sharp breath before he forced himself to upright stand again, shaking himself off as he readied himself for another blow.

“You fuckin’ vile piece of shit. You think you can touch my sister? Behind my fuckin’ back? You fuckin’ swore to me, you bastard. Come on, you twisted fuck,” River taunted.

Otto didn’t take the bait, though, he stood stock-still, welcoming the malice that oozed from my brother.

“River,” I begged, trying to break through the madness. “You don’t understand.”

“Oh, I understand perfectly, Raven. Can’t believe you’d let this disgusting prick touch you. After everything you’ve been through? Thought you knew better.”

River spat it like an accusation, one I wasn’t sure if he was issuing to me or Otto. But it was the one thing that got a rise out of Otto, his own fury brimming to the surface. “Don’t fuckin’ talk to her like that.”

Cold laughter rolled out of River, and his face pinched in disbelief. “You think you have something to say to me about being her brother?”

He emphasized the last, spite dipping into the word, driving the blade in deep.

I started to slip off the side of the table, and Otto held out a hand without looking at me, his voice gruff as he muttered, “Stay back, Raven.”

A hollow sound echoed from River, and he lifted his chin at Otto. “Is that it? You tell her what to do? Manipulate her? Take advantage of her vulnerabilities? Of her trauma? Use her up the way you use the rest of the women you burn through?”

It was the one thing that cut into Otto’s reserve. Rage bubbled out of him, the man vibrating hostility before he suddenly lunged at River and tackled him to the ground. They hit the wood floors with a thud, and in an instant, they were a grappling mess in the middle of it.

Punches and grunts and kicks as they fought to outdo the other.

I jumped off the table, rushing up to them as a shout tore up my throat. “Are you kidding me? Just stop it. Stop it! Both of you!”

It didn’t come close to penetrating the tumult that raged between them.

A commotion suddenly burst through the door, and Kane, Theo, Cash, and Trent came barreling through.

Charleigh, Eden, and Sienna hovered at the door behind them, their eyes wide as they took in the scene.

The guys rushed forward to the tussling pile that was River and Otto.

“Enough. Break it up.”

Theo and Kane grabbed ahold of Otto who was currently on top, and Trent and Cash hauled River away.

River tried to break free, sneering at Otto from where he was being dragged across the room. “You’re dead. Fuckin’ dead to me. The one thing I ever asked of you?” Hurt curled through his features before he spat, “Can’t fuckin’ believe you.”

Shame burned through Otto’s expression, his face smeared with blood and guilt flaming in the depths of his blue eyes.

I stumbled out in between them. Sickness churned in my stomach. “What? You think I have no say? That I’m so small and insignificant and vulnerable that I can’t make my own decisions for myself?” Hot tears streamed down my face as I looked at my brother.

“He fuckin’ promised me, Raven. Promised me he’d never touch you.”

“And what about what I want?”

Pain fractured through his expression. “Then you want the wrong thing.”

My focus swiveled to Otto. Otto who wouldn’t even freaking look at me, let alone stand up and tell my brother he was wrong.

Tell him he loved me.

That he’d stand for me.

That he’d do anything for me.

That he’d been the one who’d comforted me for all those years. When I was tortured by the nightmares. The only one who’d ever made me feel safe.

Hurt cut me in two, and I barely nodded as I fumbled back before I turned and ran for the door because I didn’t want to be around either of them.

Charleigh met me, taking me into her arms the second I was out in the solitude of the hall, hugging me tight as she muttered, “It’ll be fine. They’ll cool down and it’ll be fine.”

But that wasn’t the point.

My brother should support me.

My decisions.

The same as Otto should stand for them.

Angrily, I swiped at the tears on my face as I glanced around at my three friends. Sorrow pinched Eden’s brow and concern twisted through Sienna’s expression.

“I just want to leave,” I said.

Charleigh curled her arm around my waist. “I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

“Okay, I didn’t mean here. Are you sure about this?” Doubt filled Charleigh as she glanced between me and my shop.

“Yeah. I really just want to be alone.”

I didn’t want to be around either River or Otto right then. Didn’t want to go to either of their houses.

Sienna wavered, too, rubbing her hands up and down her arms as we stood in the cool breeze that wisped through the night.noveldrama

“But you’re going to sleep in your shop?” she asked, full of speculation.

I looked back at the darkened panes of glass, and I shrugged when I turned back to them. “Flowers make me happy. This is my happy place.”

Concern churned between them, both clearly reluctant to agree.

“Don’t worry—I’ll keep the doors locked and I’ll set the alarm. I’ll be fine.”

Charleigh’s nod was slight. “Okay.”

She surged forward and hugged me tight, muttering at my ear, “Call me if you need me.”

“I will.”

When she stepped back, Sienna reached out and squeezed my hand.

“I’m really sorry this messed up your night with Theo,” I told her.

A grin hinted at the edge of her mouth. “Who knows…I might head back to Kane’s and see what he’s up to.”

I giggled. “That sounds like a solid plan.”

Then she frowned. “I’m sorry your night got messed up, too.”

A heavy sigh whispered free. “It’s okay. It was coming, and I’m pretty sure all those old feelings needed to be dragged out into the open. I just wish Otto and River would have done it with a little respect.”

“They’re fighters, Raven. It’s what they know,” Charleigh said.

“Yeah, but they’re also brothers. Family. That should come first.”

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