Traded To The Lycan King

Chapter 197


Tiago and Dylan play in the corner of Merikh's office, giggling as they mash little toys together, letting them fly to various parts of the room before chasing them down. Silence falls between Merikh and me as we wait for Colette to return from putting Harmony down for bed.

"They seem to play well together." He offers, nodding to the two boys who are up way beyond their bedtime now. My soft smile spreads over my lips, the notion that they would generally be natural born enemies not lost on me.

"I am glad they do." I admit.

"In truth, I was worried the twins might be considered strange or avoided for their unique powers, if they both have them."

I sigh, a small frown on my lips. "That is something I have thought about with Tiago, too. His kind, both his kind, have wreaked havoc on the supernatural world. He was meant to be the ultimate weapon against everyone."

Merikh surprises me by chuckling before nodding in agreement.

"The thought has crossed my mind, too. But then I remind myself that Colette came from a home with little love aside from her early years and she turned out just fine." He says.

"Yes, but sirens are a more peaceful race," I remind him, looking at my dark-haired, sweet boy who chose me to be his mother.

"Dragons are peaceful. They had been for many, many generations. It was their king's desire for love that led to all of this. Perhaps the right kind of love is what is needed to help guide him in the right direction." Merikh says, his brow raised in surprise by my candid comment.

I press my hand to my temple, allowing my eyes to fall closed for a moment before I frown and open them again.

"His mother was a creature of chaos." I remind him and he exhales, sitting back in his chair, his eyes trained on Dylan and Tiago.

"The best we can do for now is hope that the dragon has won out over the Phoenix in him."

The door opens behind me and I spin to see Colette enter and hold the door open, revealing Hayes hobbling his way in with modified crutches. My eyes widen as I jump up, rushing over to help, but before I have the chance, Tiago rushes over and throws himself into his good leg.

My chest seizes as I watch the look on Hayes' face go from surprise to utter adoration as he releases his hand from the crutch and ruffles Tiago's hair. I can feel my lip quivering witnessing the sweet exchange and I capture it between my teeth, forcing it to steady. I will not cry over this sweet moment, instead, I will lock it away forever in my heart.

“Hey there, my little spitfire. What are you up to?" He asks him and Tiago grabs his hand, trying to drag him over to Dylan. "Whoa, whoa, hold on. How about I follow you? Okay?"

Tiago agrees as he rushes to Dylan, who grins, holding up his car for his Uncle Hayes to see. He shoots me a wink as my heart pounds in my chest just seeing him up and moving. What I want to do is rush over to him and hug him, holding him tight. Instead, I move over to him, intercepting him right before he gets to the boys, and he grins down at me.

"Oh, you are here too?" He teases and I lick my teeth in feign annoyance.

"Did you think you could just walk in here and not give me a kiss?" I ask, my hands finding my hips as I toss a little sass at him. He arches a brow and leans forward. He removes his hand again and wraps it around my back, tugging me close to him.

"I was hoping you would be just as needy as me," He whispers before he presses his lips to mine with the most impeccable softness before he pulls back. "Any more than that and I won't be able to be in public for a while."

"Hmm, well, we can always fix that later now that I know you are able to put some work in." I take a step back, then reach out to his arm that is wrapped in leather bands and attached to the crutch above, where he lost his hand. "Does this not irritate it?"

He shrugs. "Not really. The more weight bearing strap is up on my bicep so it doesn't tug on the sensitive skin." "Hess..." Dylan calls impatiently before I gently rub his arm and step to the side.

"I'm coming,” he rushes out, lowering himself into a chair next to the kids.

"Are you supposed to be up and moving?" Merikh asks, frowning down at his brother.

"Was I supposed to get a doctor's note to wander the halls?" Hayes asks, and Merikh chuckles.

"Oh great, feeling well enough to have adopted your mate's attitude." He mutters, and I gawk at him.

"Excuse me?" I say and Colette laughs.

"I am so excited to have you back, Hayes, and to get to know you, Kyra." She says, then she looks at the boys and grins. “I have a feeling poor Harmony is in for a lot of pranks from these two."

My stomach twists at the thought of a prank gone bad. What if Tiago uses flames and doesn't understand the consequences of what it can do to non dragons? What if he grows angry and can't control his heat or flames? I swallow roughly at the thought of having to face Merikh and Colette if something terrible happens and one of the kids gets hurt.

"Perhaps we should stay off pack grounds, a little way away." I offer the thought too fresh in my mind. Merikh snaps his eyes to me and Colette frowns.

"I disagree," Hayes says softly as he plays with the kids.

"Hayes," I say, pinching the bridge of my nose. "What if something happens?"

"Then something happens." Colette says softly. "With my abilities and with Dylan's, I would argue this is the safest place for him. Surrounded by family and love and people who can help tame the fire."

"That is a lot for us to ask of you and Dylan, especially considering he is a toddler."

Merikh walks over to me and Colette, sitting on the edge of his desk.noveldrama

"Colette and I have discussed this for days, running through every scenario. As you and I discussed, dragon's desire for love. Let us help you with that, show the importance of family and caring for loved ones while loving him through the hard times with you both."

I nibble my lip nervously, as I take a

seat and bounce my leg before I stand and pace again, wringing my hands. Is it possible to just love him

enough and imbed him with the support of a family to subdue the phoenix inside of him? If it even survived the dragon part of him?

"Teiran told you that the Dragon can not coexist with any other species. It burns it out, and every male must be a dragon." Hayes reminds me and I nod in silence.

I know he is right, but it feels like I

am making huge decisions as a mother I never had time to think

about or come to terms with.

minute he is a baby and the next thing know, he is a toddler. Literally. What if he grows faster than Dylan and Harmony and that puts a stress on him?

"Kyra, we will work through all the problems I can see running through your head as they come up." Hayes says, his voice a beacon of strength in the storm of my mind.

"Tiago," I say, grabbing his attention as I walk toward him and crouch low, giving him the best smile I can muster. He looks at me instantly, tilting his chubby cheeks to the side. "Do you wanna stay here? Huh? Make this our home?"

He pulls his brows in, his lips pursing as he tries to process what I am saying, and then he smiles.

"Mama." He says with a happy little voice before he grips Hayes's finger. "Dada."

I smirk at him and shake my head.

"Well, I suppose he is just happy wherever we are happy for now." I say, looking back at Merikh and Colette.

"And if that changes, we can adjust." Colette shrugs.

"Or we just work through it,” Hayes responds. “If it's always easy, then none of us are learning, isn't that right bud?" He asks Tiago who ignores us and yawns, reaching out for Dylan who takes his hand.

"How about Tiago stays the night with Dylan in his room?" Merikh suggests, coming over and swooping up both boys in his arms. "What do you boys think, huh?"

They squeal in delight as he tickles them and spins in a circle.

"Sounds like a yes to me." Colette laughs.

"Might be more of the fun spinning," Hayes says, "But I won't complain about having the room to ourselves tonight." My stomach flips and my lungs grow tight at the suggestion that he will be in our bed beside me. Finally.

"You can sleep in our room tonight?" I ask as I go to help him up as Merikh and Colette already leave the room.

“Did I say anything about sleeping Kyra?" He gives me a sly grin, leaning in close to my ear, his hot breathing making me shiver. "You can only avoid me for so long. I'm an injured man and I need you to help heal what ails me."

"Oh? And what ails you?" I tease.

"I have lots of spots that probably need a kiss or something of the sort," he shrugs.

I throw my head back and laugh freely, a burning in the pit of my stomach growing with every second we are alone, and he looks at me with his loving


“Then let's hurry and get those wounds taken care of. I have other plans after I am done with that."

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