The Way We Score: A small-town, accidental pregnancy, sports romance. (The Bradford Boys)

The Way We Score: Chapter 12

A dumb redneck is trapped under a grizzly bear, and Patrick Swayze is standing on the banks of a lake after ripping a dude’s throat out.

Liv’s head is on my shoulder, and I’m about to say A polar bear landed on me, when I hear a soft snore. It’s really more of a snortle, and it’s pretty damn adorable.

I know from experience Liv only snores when she’s really tired, so I carefully reach for the remote and turn off the movie. Moving slowly, I lift her off the floor and shift her onto the couch.

She’s not as skinny as she was when she was dancing off every calorie she ate in high school. She’s more womanly, less breakable, and it’s fucking sexy as hell. I’ve always loved her long body, her tall frame, her pretty strawberry hair.

I’m doing my best to walk the walk and be better than I was at nineteen. Hell, it’s taking every ounce of my strength not to kiss her. I got close so many times tonight. The hardest was in the kitchen when she was being all sassy and saying I didn’t need Dirty Dancing to get in her pants in high school.

Trust me, I remember how eager we always were back then—very well. And even though it was ridiculous, I was pretty stoked she got all jealous thinking I might have a girlfriend.

She knows me better than that. I would never have slept with her if I had a girlfriend.

My jaw tightens as I study the sleeping beauty on my couch, and I think it’s probably better not to test that statement. When it comes to Liv, I’m sorry to say I just might. No one has ever affected me like she does. I’d probably do anything for her.

She exhales a little noise, and her slim brows pull together like something’s bothering her, even in her sleep. The protective side of me surges to life, and I wish she’d tell me what’s really going on. I know she isn’t here for work, but what else could it be?

She’s acting the same way she did when I saw her for the first time in Newhope at Dylan’s wedding. She’s guarded and anxious, like something’s out of her control, and I know my girl well enough to know she hates being out of control.

Her fucking ex had better not be causing her problems again. Hell, if that’s what’s happening, and she ran here to me, it would be my pleasure to have her back.

I’ll personally fly her back to Birmingham and punch that guy in his fucking face.

Okay, it’s possible Road House has me a little riled up, but from what I’ve heard of Warner Oberon the Third, that guy’s a world-class dickhead. He’d better not try anything around me.

Taking the blanket off the back of the couch, I place it lightly over her, doing my best not to wake her. I silently collect our plates and carry them to the kitchen, then I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and change into something comfortable.

My girl is out, because when I get back, she hasn’t moved. Her sweet face is less stressed, though, which makes me feel better. I rearrange the pillows and take up my usual spot on the floor beside her.

One thing Olivia Bankston can always count on—anything that might try to hurt her has to get through me first.

You can’t really see the horizon in Midtown, but from this height, dawn shimmers off the smaller buildings, casting a golden glow across the high-rises.

I could sleep through it, but Liv exhales a noise, stirring on the couch. My eyes open, and I sit up from the floor beside her.

Her head drops, and she blinks hard, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “I’m sorry I fell asleep on you.”

Her voice is thick, and I smile, reaching out to move the hair behind her ear. “It’s okay. It was late, and I guess you were pretty tired.”

She nods, her hair falling over her cheek. “I’ve been so tired every day, I’m surprised I made it as long as I did.”

My stomach tightens, and I study her face. “Are you sick?”

She doesn’t look sick. She actually seems to be glowing.

“Just… working hard.” She smiles briefly, placing her slim hand on my forearm as she stands slowly. I’m not reassured.

“I’d better change. Although…” She looks down at her sweater and jeans. “I don’t have anything to change into, do I? I’m sorry I’m a mess.”

Pushing off the table, I stand to my full height, which towers over her, even if she is tall for a girl.

“No more apologizing.” I give her a nudge, and she blinks up at me. “You can crash here as long as you need to, and I told you, it’s New York. We can find whatever you need, possibly even have it delivered.”

She hesitates a moment before stepping forward to put her arms around my waist. I wrap her in my arms at once, leaning down to press my lips to the top of her head, inhaling the sweet flowery scent of her hair. I could stand here all day doing this, but it doesn’t last.

Her arms relax, and she pulls away. Lifting her shoulder, she squints up at me. “At least I brought a toothbrush.”

“I’ll make some coffee.” I follow as she goes to the guest room. “If you look in that dresser, I’ve got some old shirts and stuff I don’t wear anymore. It’ll all be too big, but you’re welcome to try it.”

She nods, giving me a little smile before closing the door. Hesitating a moment, I bask in that brief glow.

I’ve got fresh-brewed coffee and I cracked open a tin of cinnamon buns to pop in the oven. When Liv opens the guest room door, she’s wearing an oversized T-shirt that says, I have mixed drinks about feelings.

“This isn’t going to work.” She looks down at the shirt that hangs to her knees.

“Hey, you make that look good.” I’ve changed into my jogging shorts and a tee.

Her eyes light as they run over my shoulders and chest, and I know that look. It makes my dick twitch.

Diverting her eyes, she goes to the coffee pot to fill a mug. “Are you going for a run?”

“I’m headed to the stadium. I’ve got to do my morning workout. What are you planning to do?”

“I don’t know.” She turns, holding the mug close to her face as if she’s basking in the warmth. “How long will you be gone?”

“You could come with me if you want. I’ll just be lifting weights and running plays with the guys, but they won’t mind if you’re there.”

“I can’t go like this.” She looks down at the shirt-dress she’s wearing. “I only have what I wore last night.”

“I’ve got something for you.” Going to my room, I dig around in the drawers, coming back with one of my old cotton practice jerseys. “Put this with your jeans.”

“You want me to wear your jersey?” She cocks an eyebrow, and I lean on my elbow beside her.

It’s one of those moments where it’s taking all my strength not to kiss her again. “You used to wear it all the time.”

Lifting her chin, she takes it from my hands. “Wouldn’t want to break with tradition.”

Ten minutes later, we’re riding down in the elevator. Her face is freshly washed, and her hair is brushed back in a ponytail. She’s wearing my cotton, navy and red Number 50 jersey, tied at the waist, and she blinks bright hazel eyes up at me.

“Will I get to meet the whole team or just your group?” She’s smiling and lighter than she was last night, which eases my concern a bit.

“It’ll just be the offensive line, but I can introduce you to whoever you want. I know everybody.”

“I don’t know anybody.” She laughs, looking down. “I’ll hang out with you.”

“We’ll see who’s there. You don’t have to stay in the gym with me.”

When we arrive, it’s a small sausage party. A lot of the guys are still sleeping off last night, but we bump into Maddy and Charlie and their baby boy Paxton in the entrance hall.

“Hey, guys!” I greet them as we enter.

“Garrett!” Maddy skips forward, her arms full of wiggling six-month-old. “Who is this in your jersey? Have you been hiding a girlfriend from us?”noveldrama

“Now I understand why you didn’t want to go out last night,” Charlie teases.

“No… I…” I turn to where Liv is looking down, cheeks pink. “This is Liv—Olivia Bankston. She’s a lawyer. From Birmingham. We’ve known each other since we were kids.”

“Birmingham?” Maddy smiles brightly. “I’m from Atlanta! We’re practically neighbors. It’s so good to meet you.”

Maddy sticks out a hand, and Liv shakes it. “Nice to meet you.”

“Here, hold Baby Pax a second.” She hands the baby to Liv and pulls up her bag, propping it on her stomach. “I’ll put your number in my phone.”

“Sure.” Liv shifts the toddler around onto her hip, and she seems pretty natural at holding him. She’s even doing that little bouncy thing women do.

He shoves a fat fist into her long hair, and she tilts her head, doing her best to hold his wrist and untangle his fingers.

“Paxy, no!” Maddy drops her phone into the bag again, helping dislodge his fist. “I don’t know what I’m going to do when I start showing. My lower back is already killing me.”

“You’re pregnant?” Liv’s eyes widen.

“Can you believe it?” Maddy catches Paxton around the waist and hauls him onto her hip again. “I thought I was just never going to get back to my pre-baby weight. Then I found out I’m pregnant. So what brings you to New York?”

Charlie slaps me on the shoulder. “Let’s get started.”

He heads to the weight room, but I hesitate, touching Liv’s arm. “You okay out here?”

“Of course, she is!” Maddy gives me a shove. “I’ll take care of her.”

“That’s what I’m worried about,” I tease.

Still, it’s really cute watching Liv rub her hand on Paxton’s back and shake his fist, which is now wrapped around her finger. She blinks up at me, and my chest clenches. I remember a time when we were both a lot younger, and I imagined Liv having my babies.

It’s funny, because being out here, being frustrated by Ricky’s irresponsible attitude really got to me last night. It had me legit angry, and heading to my apartment alone, I was planning to have a few beers and brood about how off-track everything had become. Then she appeared, and it all faded away.

None of that shit matters with Liv here. It’s all different. I realize we’ve fallen quiet, and I look around at everyone waiting on me.

“You can go now,” Maddy scolds like a sassy tween, but I’m still looking at Liv.

“That looks good on you, Cherry.”

Her cheeks flame, and she blinks away fast. Shit. My stomach drops, and I can’t believe I said something so thoughtless.

I want to apologize, but Maddy is watching us like a hawk. I’m sure Liv wouldn’t want a stranger knowing about her infertility issues. Or if she did, it would be her story to share.

Fuck. My jaw clenches, and I guess my only option is to kick my own ass and apologize later, when we’re alone. So much for showing how mature and sensitive to her needs I am now.

Scrubbing my hand over the back of my neck, I clear my throat. “Well, I’ll be in the weight room if you need anything.”

“We know.” Maddy’s tone is impatient, and she waves her hand like she’s shooing me away. “Now go, so we can gossip about you.”

“Right.” I nod, forcing a laugh, still feeling like shit, before I turn and follow the way Charlie went.

Ten minutes later, he’s spotting me while I hold a bar with 250-pound weights on each side over my chest.

“So that’s what you’ve been thinking about, a tall redhead.” Charlie stands at my head while I do my reps. “I thought you didn’t want to go out because you were pissed at Ricky. Instead, you’ve been hiding a very sexy lady from us.”

“I wasn’t hiding her.” I finish with a growl then stand, going around to remove a hundred pounds from each side. “She’s an old friend.”

Charlie squints up at me like he doesn’t believe me.

“She’s wearing your jersey.” He lies back, positioning his hands on the push-up bar. “Don’t tell me she’s just a friend.”

He does eight reps, and I guide the bar back to the rack as he stands to face me. My shoulders are tense—and not from the workout.

“Liv and I were pretty serious in high school, but that’s all over now.”

“Doesn’t look over to me. It’s rekindling season, bro. Get after it.”

My jaw clenches. Charlie might be team captain, but he and Maddy love to gossip. Last thing I want is for him to say something to Liv before I know why she’s really here.

“It’s not like that. She’s in town for work, and I thought she might like to see where I play.”

“And she just happened to wear your jersey?” He cocks an eyebrow.

“It was the only Pirates merch I had.”

“Right.” He crosses muscled arms, and I know he’s not buying any of this.

“Hey, Bro-skis, you guys are hitting it early.” Ricky saunters in the room, and my brow lowers.

I’m not mad at Ricky, but he’s just not Logan. After that last game, Logan would’ve been in here before me drilling.

“You should be hitting it early. We’ve got some work to do before Monday.”

“Always bustin my balls, Grizz. Now I see why Murphy was setting records. He had you on his tail all the time.”

“I didn’t have to be on Logan’s tail. He was way more focused⁠—”

“Hey, I was thinking about this last night,” Charlie interrupts before I can go off. “The Warriors’ defensive line is killer. We’ve got enough guys here to do a scrimmage, put some pressure on your receiving game. You up for it, Rick?”

I couldn’t have said it better myself, except I might’ve slipped and called him The Dick.

“Let’s go,” is all I say.

We spend the next few hours drilling, and every time we take a break, I look up at the box to see Liv standing beside Maddy watching us.

It’s not a real game, and only staff and players mill around the stadium. Still, it gives me a feel for what it would be like to have her here, watching me play, wearing my jersey, and cheering when something good happens.

My chest expands, and I gotta say, I like it a lot.

By the time we’re done, Ricky has managed to complete a little more than half the passes Charlie fired his way. I don’t know what happened to him from the time he was a rising star two years ago. It’s like he’s too busy being a player to actually play.

Not my business. I’m ready to find Liv and get out of here, when I notice she and Maddy have come down to the field. They’re standing on the sidelines like old friends. Paxton is asleep on Liv’s shoulder, and as good as it looks, I’m not about to stick my foot in my mouth again.

“Are y’all finally done?” Maddy leans against her husband. “You’d think after playing last night, you’d want to take a break.”

“It’s how we get to be the best.” He wraps an arm around her and leans down to kiss the top of her head.

“Well, I need a nap.” She holds out her hands, and Liv passes the sleeping baby to her. “I’m pregnancy-tired, which is the tiredest kind of tired that exists.”

“Tell me about it.” Liv nods, then she stiffens and exhales a strangled laugh. “That’s what I’ve heard anyway.”

“Girl, you have no idea.” Maddy puts her hand on Liv’s arm. “Charlie is a good daddy, but thank God his mom’s here to take Paxton so I can nap.”

“Hey!” Charlie gives her shoulder a nudge. “Pax and I let you nap!”

“Sure you do, honey!” Maddy smiles up at him, then shakes her head no at us.

Liv laughs and walks over to me, wrinkling her nose. “You need a shower.”

“Give me five minutes.” My arms ache, and I want to wrap them around her the way Charlie’s doing right now with Maddy. Instead, I remember my goals. “You’ve been a good sport hanging out here so long. What would you like to do?”

“Oh, I don’t know.”

“We could take a walk in the park. Or if you want to try and catch a show, I bet we can get last-minute tickets.” Man, I hope she doesn’t say yes to a show, because I might sleep through it.

Glancing at the clock, it’s lunchtime, but I think ahead. “It’s probably not too late to make a dinner reservation. I can usually pull some strings, since I’m a local celebrity and all.”

“Is that so?” Lifting her chin, she smiles. “Maybe we can order in tonight. I was promised Dirty Dancing.”

“Yes, you were.” I’m doing my best to turn on the charm. “But first, lunch. I’ll be right back.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.