The Unloved Mate

Chapter 44

Damien’s pov

The doctor was saying something but i was too occupied with the pain in my heart to listen.

One of the most beautiful day in my life turned out to be the worst. Just yesterday our wedding was announced and now this…..

How could the moon goddess be so cruel? How could she take my only reason of living from me? Am i that bad person that i got this punishment?

“Damien! Damien!” Someone shook me and i just looked at them with emotionless face. All my emotions faded and only a shell is remaining.

Nate looked at me with an unknown emotion, his eyes were bloodshot which shows he was crying. I looked back at my bella. She was hooked up to multiple IV tubes and was breathing slowly.

Tears filled my eyes and i din’t stop them from falling. No, I din’t cry out loud, my bella would not like if I cried, i just let the tears fall freely.

“Damien! Listen to me! Isa is not dead yet! She is breathing, her heart is still beating, she is still here. I have heard what a mate bond can do, and i still think there is hope. You can bring her back. We have not given up on our luna, then why are you giving up on your mate!” He said and left the room.

I sat closer to her bed and took her hand. They were icy cold and pale. Nate’s words were ringing repeatedly in my head like a record.

We have not given up on our luna, then why are you giving up on your mate.

I have​ heard what a mate bond can do, and i still think there is hope.

You can bring her back!

A little hope came to me. She is not dead. I will do anything to bring my baby back to me.

“Baby, it’s me Damien. Please don’t leave me, come back. I need you, the pack needs you. I know what you are capable of. You just have to try, princess. Come back to me, please.” I said and laid my head on her stomach with her hand wrapped in mine.

For the past 3 days I could not sleep. I only ate a few sandwiches that Nate brought and lots of coffee to keep me awake. I spoke to her every time and about everything.

Today was no exception. I was sitting on the small chair like always, but this time i closed my eyes. As soon as i did the heart monitor started beeping loudly. I panicked and shouted for the doctor. Sick green foam started coming out of her mouth and I panicked even more.

The doctor told me to wait outside and i obliged, not wanting to delay her treatment. After an hour of torturous waiting a nurse said that i can come in.

Her slow breathing was now normal and her heart was picking up pace. And I couldn’t​ be happier.

After some tests the doctor said that the poison din’t settle in her body for some reason and it can be removed by performing dialysis. The green foam was the poison that was coming out of her body, which is a good thing.

They extracted most of the poison but not all. I was freaking out, but the doctors said that the poison will not harm her in any way, because it was in a very small amout. She can’t die from it.

She looked more healthy​ now. He skin was still a bit pale, but slowly it was gaining colour.

“Doctor, when will she wake up?”

“We don’t know that Alpha.” She replied and i nodded.

Nate entered the room with a big bouquet of daffodils and placed them in the jar next to Bella’s bed. He does this everyday. He said that he wants this room to smell like flowers when she wakes up and not of antiseptics and medicine.

“How you doing damien?” He asked

“Good. Thanks Nate, for not giving up.” I said and hugged him.

“It’s ok Damien. What are friends for. Adam said that Nina breaks down crying every 5 minutes and he wants you to speak to her.” He said and I nodded pulling away.

“Ok, I’ll speak to her tomorrow.”

“Damien when are gonna deal with him?”

“Once my Angel wakes up. And once I lay my hands on him, he will be begging to die an easier death.” I said and craked my knuckles.

“Count me in buddy. It’s been a long time since i did some damage” he said with a smirk.

I was about to reply when someone interupted me.

“Wh-what da-damage?” I turned around, and it became the happiest moment of my life.

“Baby!” I ran to her side and hugged her. “Baby, your awake. Finally!” I almost broke into tears. She hugged me back slowly. I burried my face in her neck and let her scent fill me up.

“Water” she whispered and i carefully let her go and got a cup of water for her. I gave her the cup and sat beside her. Nate was looking at us with a happy face.noveldrama

“I’m happy your awake luna. This man has been going crazy.” He said and Bella chuckled. Oh how much i missed her beautiful laugh.

“I must inform the doctors and the others.” He said and i nodded.

“I missed you!” Bella said with a sad smile. Those words broke my walls and spill the tears i have been holding.

All the emotions hit me like a wave. Sadness, grief, dread, and now happiness.

Bella opened her arms and made a grabbing motion. I got up from the chair and sat on the bed besides her and hugged her.

“I missed you too. Soo much. Don’t ever leave me again. I was so scared when the doctor said that you might not make it. I was never so scared in my life. You are my life baby. Don’t you dare die on me.” I know i was rambling but right now the only thing on my mind was that she’s awake and I’m speaking to her, this time expecting a reply.

“I know Damien. I’m sorry”

“Don’t say sorry.”

Then the door opened and the doctor came in with a notepad.

She examined bella and wrote a few things.

“Everything looks good. Just take it easy now, don’t do heavy work, take as much rest as you can and take all your medication on time. You will be healthy as a horse in a week.”

I nodded and she left us alone.

Without wasting a second i kissed her. She kissed back immediately. I waited very long to do this.

I kissed her with everything in me. All the pain and happiness flowing from us. Her mouth still works wonders. She bit my lower l*p and pulled at my hair. An unconscious g***n escaped my throat.


We broke apart and saw all of our friends and family at the door. They ran in and tackled the both of us.

“Guys! She just got up! She’s still weak” i said everyone got off.

Nina, Cole and Cameron engaged bella in some talk while Nate, Adam and Ryan gave me news about the pack.

“Damien I think now is time. Our hands are itching to beat him. All of us want to have a go.” Adam said and others nodded.

“You are right. Now that Bella is awake, i can concentrate on making his life a living hell. Cousin or not, he will pay”

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