The Twin Alphas Warrior Luna (RYN)

Chapter 186


As soon as I made my way to the ground floor, some students stood in groups, watching a video on their phone and then they saw me and began to whisper amidst themselves.

Faces that smiled at me just hours ago now frowned and looked at me suspiciously.

I looked away from them, quickening my feet. The sudden tirge to disappear clustered in my thind, taking root and increasing my sense of isolation. Soon everyone will hate Ryn especially when they find out what she did to survive

I thought my feet would take me outside the school premises and away forever but instead it led me to the one place I’ve called home for years.

The janitor’s closet.

I paused, standing outside of it, my hand lingering on the knob. Then I opened it and went inside.

Closing the door behind me, I noticed very little had changed and like a homesick child, I raced to where I used to curl up and sleep and sat with my knees pulled up.

Something about this space room, Jexhaled.

made me feel safe and and for the first time since the incident that occured in the boy’s locker

Like a moth to a flame, I went back to max20499’s comment and tapped on the comments under it. My heart shattered when I saw strangers whom I barely knew agree and even add some lies to their gossip,

As if that wasn’t enough, I came across the hashtag #RabidRyn – several times, so I tapped on it. To my terror, I realized the hashtag already had four thousand posts under it.

Gods! Who are these people?!

I scrolled on the posts, my heart breaking some more each time saw videos about me and commentaries, all because they wanted to trend. News outlets had even joined in, putting my face in their graphic post.


What the fuck?!

I watched in horror as more and more posts had something to say about me. Then I sawa video from Bessie under the username – bessicboo and it had sixteen thousand four hundred and eighty three likes.

It automatically began to play.

“Hi guys.” She said, and it seemed she recorded this video in front of the school building during the games. “My name is Bessie and I am a student of Lycantide High. So if there is anyone who is qualified to have something to say about that bitch? It would be me.”

“Oh gods. Here we go.” I whispered.

“Honestly, I am so glad that everyone is seeing Ryn for who she is. I never liked her since day one. Yes, I may have been a little mean to her but that bitch put my boyfriend in a coma and got my father fired as a Principal.”

She covered her mouth as if she was about to cry.

“My Dad just had two years before retirement and she ruined that for him. After that, I got so depressed and I actually thought of killing myself

She paused for dramatic effect, dabbing at her dry eyes.


“Only one thing kept me going; and that’s the fact that karma is a bitch and she comes for everyone. So this is for you, Ryn!” She raised her middle finger. “Karma is here for you.”

Then the video ended and I suddenly felt very tired. noveldrama

Curling into a fetus, I laid down on the floor, a small tear escaping my eyes.

My phone began to buzz and I raised it to see Theon’s caller ID.

I switched off my phone and closed my eyes.

As I tried to rest, voices from the past haunted my mind, as I laid there.

“Put your wolf on a leash! Or you’re going to regret it!”

You are trouble, Ryn.”

“I can’t have my sons laying with the likes of you!”

“Who’s going to miss a poor orphan girl?”

Then the sobs ripped from my throat and I gripped my hair to stop the voices from haunting me.

Maybe I am all the things they say I am.

Maybe the world will be a better place without Ryn Ashmore in it

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