The Tiger Prince's Witch

Chapter 44 - Crowning Ceremony

Jarek looked at the trio and saw the fear on their faces. He had never seen them scared of anything. Once the realization that his plan wasn't going to work sunk in, he tried to turn and run out the door. Stanley and Bryson flew across the room and stopped him before he could leave.

"You started this show. Don't you want to see how it ends?" Stanley asked him. Jarek felt his body moving on its own as he turned around and went back to stand behind the three witches. He tried to go back to the door, but he was frozen in place. Stanely and Bryson stood behind him, not letting him leave.

Anna, while still invisible, started flying around the trio as fast as she could until there was a tornado of wind that no one could see, but the witches could feel. She then released her fireball into the tornado, so it was one large flaming cyclone of purple flames. She went to stand next to Kamryn as she became visible again.

Jaz closed her fist to make another lightning bolt and sent it to the center of the flaming tornado. Everyone watched in fascination as it got bigger and bigger. When the lightning bolt reached the trio inside, the flames seemed to get wider and turned to a paler color of purple. A cloud moved over the witches in the middle and started raining on them. They screeched out in pain as the water, fire, and air began to burn them. Only one element was left to end them for good. Micah waved his hand, and a large boulder moved into the room to represent the earth. Kamryn picked it up and flew it above the tornado, dropping it inside. As soon as it reached the trio, there was a loud clap of thunder and a flash of light. It was finished just as quickly as everything started, and the trio was gone. Anna, Jaz, Micah, and Kamryn looked at each other, smiling. They didn't have a hair out of place. Everyone started clapping and cheering except for Jarek, who looked like he was ready to faint.

"What do you want to do with the lycan king?" Anna asked, looking at Randal. He was flustered. He'd never seen anything so fascinating yet terrifying at the same time.

"What do you suggest?" He asked, glancing between Kamryn and Anna.

"How about for now we send him to the dungeons. Make sure it's the one with silver bars so he doesn't try to get out. We'll decide what to do after the crowning ceremony." Kamryn replied, looking at his dad, who was nodding in agreement. "Yes, I agree. Take him away." Randal pointed to the guards, who grabbed Jarek and started pulling him to the dungeons.noveldrama

"I'm a king; you can't do this to me. You must let me go this instant." Anna snapped her fingers as he yelled, and all was suddenly quiet. His mouth was moving, but nothing came out.

"That's much better. A spell of silence will do him good for a while." She said as she turned toward the others. The guests that had come for the ceremony stared at her in astonishment. As one, they bowed to her, and Anna felt her face turning red. She wasn't used to anyone bowing to her.

"Well, young ladies, I say we get busy doing what we're here for. That is unless anyone has any complaints about our two new princesses." He looked toward the guests, who were all shaking their heads while staring at Anna and Jazlyn. They were truly remarkable.

"I think I can speak for all of us when I say we will be glad to celebrate the crowning of the two Spirit Energy witches." Damon, the leader of the panthers, nodded toward both Anna and Jaz. The others nodded their agreement.

"If everyone can please follow me, we'll get started," Randal remarked before leading the group to the throne room. Anna had never been to that room. According to Kamryn, it was rarely used except for occasions like crownings. Randal and Lynn didn't like the formal setting and preferred to use their conference room for meetings.

When they walked in, Anna looked around in wonder. The room was done in white marble on the floors and walls. White padded seats were lining each side of the aisle. At the end of the aisle, there were four large gold thrones. She assumed the two in the middle were Randal and Lynn's, with the two smaller ones for the princes.

Randal and Lynn sat on their thrones while the guests filled the other seats. Kamryn and Micah held Anna and Jaz back by the door, waiting for the ceremony to start. Once everyone had calmed down, Randal stood up with a smile.

"I welcome you all to the crowning ceremony for Princess Annabella and Princess Jazlyn. We are extremely fortunate that Prince Kamryn and Prince Micah have both mated to such powerful women. I feel confident that these four will be able to handle anything that comes their way, as you witnessed this evening." He paused as everyone clapped.

"I present to you first Prince Micah with his mate Princess Jazlyn." Micah walked a blushing Jaz down the aisle. When they reached the thrones, they knelt down so Randal could place a crown on Micah's head and Jaz's. After he stepped back, they stood up and faced the crowd. Bryson and Maura had happy tears running down their faces while everyone cheered. The young couple stepped to the side to stand in front of one of the smaller thrones.

"It is my great pleasure to present Crowned Prince Kamryn with his mate Princess Annabella." Kamryn smiled wide as he led Anna down the aisle. He was just as awestruck by his mate as everyone else was. To see her take on the three witches with no fear had been mesmerizing. When they reached the thrones, they knelt in front of his father. He squeezed her hand as he felt the crown being placed on his head. He snuck a sideways glance at Anna and saw the gold crown being placed on her head; he smiled. He had his queen.

When they stood up and turned to the crowd, Anna saw her parents crying. She smiled as everyone cheered for them. She never cared about being a royal; all she cared about was being with Kamryn. However, she was proud to stand by his side when he became king someday.

When they left the throne room, everyone went to the dining hall for dinner. It was a massive feast with multiple courses. Anna was so stuffed that she could hardly move when they were done. Afterward, Randal stood up to get everyone's attention again.

"Leaders, as you've noticed, we have invited only a few guests for a crowning ceremony of this magnitude. That's because we're being threatened. Some of you may remember that I have a brother named Santi. He was sent away by me for meddling in black magic. He has now made an appearance by threatening to kill my family so he can take the throne. We believe he is working with something more evil than what you saw tonight. I ask you, my friends will you join us in this fight to protect what's good and not let evil take over." Randal looked around at the others who were there.

"What do you want us to do?" Damon asked, looking at all the royals. He wasn't opposed to fighting on behalf of the king, but he couldn't compare to what his sons and their mates could do.

"Kamryn, Micah, Anna, and Jaz are the only ones that can defeat Santi and the evil behind him. We will need help getting them to the point where they can do what they need to. We have the entire Spirit Energy coven here willing to fight with us, and they can help prepare those who fight with us prepare for the battle." Randal looked at the leaders and their mates, who stared back at him.

Damon looked around at the others, who all nodded. They were all leaders, but they let him speak for them. Damon turned toward the royals.

"We'll fight with you. Just tell us what you need us to do." He said to Randal.

"Thank you all. Now it's time we deal with Jarek."

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