The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter 20- Incoming Call

I sat on the worn-out leather stool looking at the canvas that sat on an easel in front of


My parents' old wedding picture was stapled to the top left corner and my eyes darted between that and the painting itself.

Writers get writer's block; painters get painter's block.

In all honesty, I was less than a week away from finishing the painting. But I was stuck;

my paintbrush-yielding fingers didn't want to move. You would've thought that the lace detailing on the bottom of my mom's dress would've been one of the easiest things to paint. I did, considering I'd been able to paint the veil with ease.

I had been sitting on the stool for almost an hour and my brush hadn't touched the

canvas once.

I sighed and set the brush into the water bowl that sat on the table beside me. I was in one of Luca'a guest bedrooms. He said he would move the bed out tomorrow so it could be a studio where I could keep my art supplies.

Taking the old painting off the easel and replacing it with a fresh canvas, I sat back down in the chair and picked up a charcoal pencil.

Letting my body take over, I hardly realized the pattern my hand began to take as I left gray markings across the canvas.

Suddenly, the door to the bedroom flew open and my babysitter, a.k.a. Bates, came strolling in.

Luca had left maybe an hour or so ago. He still didn't trust me by myself so he made Bates come over; not that Bates minded. He'd been in the pantry since he got here and

I heard the TV turn on a few minutes ago.

I quickly hid the sketch under a sheet as Bates walked further into the room.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked.

"Drawing," I replied. I tried to be as casual as possible.

"Oo, draw me," he said.

I raised my eyebrows.

"You'll have to sit there for a long time," I warned.

His eyes widened as he reconsidered the idea.

"Maybe you can bring it into the living room so I can watch TV while you doodle?" Bates asked.

I shrugged and picked up my sketch book and a black pencil. Bates and I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where he had Call of Duty paused.

I sat on the couch beside him as he unpaused the game.

For the next two hours or so, I sat beside Bates as he screamed and yelled at the TV and, eventually, beat two levels.

I shouted in glee as I finished and he immediately paused the game to look at my finished work.

His jaw dropped to the floor. Bates reached out gingerly and took the book from my hands. He stared at the picture in awe for a few moments before he looked up at me. The blinding smile that Bates gave me made the past two, rather uncomfortable, hours all worth it.

"Thanks," he said as he tackled me in a bear hug.

A growl echoed in the room and the temperature dropped a whole twenty degrees. "It was platonic!" Bates yelled. The words had barely left his mouth before Luca leapt over the coach, taking Bates down with him. Luca pinned him to the ground with the outside of his forearm pressed tightly against Bates' throat.

"Luca!" I shouted.

I couldn't say anything else because the perfect view I had of his beautiful butt distracted me. Those jeans fit him just right... I snapped myself out of it. Ever since this morning the urge to take Luca to bed was overwhelming. It had to be because of the mark.

I got off the couch and wrapped my arms around Luca's waist and attempted to pull him off of Bates.

"Get off of him! He's turning purple!" I screeched.

He didn't budge and my sock feet on his slick hardwood floor weren't doing anything

to help me. I slid and my butt plopped down on the ground. Finally, Luca decided to

get up. He lifted me up with him and I put my feet underneath me.

"Are you okay?" I asked Bates.

He nodded, still choking and gasping for air. Bates clutched his throat and coughed for a while longer.

"What is wrong with you?!" I asked slapping Luca's arm as hard as I could. The skin to skin contact that came when my hand his hit arm sent sparks and tingles flying up my


I yanked my hand back to my waist and cursed under my breath. Stupid mate pull. Luca didn't answer me, only glared at Bates. His lacking reply infuriated me and I

gritted my teeth together as I tried to think of revenge.

I began to help Bates up off the ground and tried my hardest to ignore Luca burning

holes into both of us with his eyes.

"You can leave now," Luca said to Bates.

"What if I don't want to?" Bates said, his voice scratchy and weak.

"I'll kick your ass out the front door," Luca threatened, his eyes growing darker by the minute.

"Chill out, Beckham, I'm going," Bates said under his breath.

He took the page out of the notebook that I had drawn him on and headed out the door, giving me a nod as goodbye.

"What was that all about-"

I was knocked backwards on the couch with Luca climbing over me before I could finish the sentence.

My stomach was in my throat and and I could feel my heart beating through my chest. Ears ringing, I gulped as Luca's dark eyes peered back into mine.

He swiped the hair out of my face and pinned my head back to the couch with his fist

full of my hair. With his other hand, he had a tight grip on the waistband of my denim

shorts that pulled my hips closer to his body and off the couch.

My breathing was labored as he increased the proximity of our bodies, his nose touching mine.

"What is this all about?" I asked breathlessly.

He shooshed me quickly, the warm and minty smell of his breath invaded my senses. I made the mistake of glancing down at his lips. Soon they were pressed against my own with a ferocious growl from Luca and an involuntary moan from me.

His body pressed closer to mine, completely pressing me tight against the furniture with his frame.

My knees were uncomfortably tucked underneath my body and I desperately tried to move my legs around so I could be more comfortable. Instead, when I moved my legs, I unconsciously spread them apart giving Luca the perfect opportunity to slide closer to me.

With his hips pressed against my core, I gasped into the kiss and he took it as an advantage to kiss me deeper. The taste of his mouth invaded mine and I closed my eyes at the exotic taste.

His mouth pulled away from mine and his began to kiss up and down my neck, stopping to flick his tongue over his mark.

"It's a full moon tonight," he said breathlessly. "Please let me love you," Luca pleaded. "No," I whispered. It was the hardest word I've ever had to say.

This seemed to turn him completely off. He sighed and pulled away from me. He stood

up from the couch and I adjusted my shirt and hair.

"I wanna know why the hell you won't let me take you to bed," Luca said darkly. His

arms were folded across his chest and his eyes were dark.

I gulped.

"Just not the right time," I whispered.

"When is the right time?!" He shouted. "Why don't you trust me?!"

I gasped.

"Trust you? Why don't you trust me?!" I screamed back. "Why wouldn't you let me call

Mady? Why do I constantly have to be baby say?!"

"This is not the time nor the place," he spat through gritted teeth.

"Tell me!" I demanded.

"I don't have to tell you anything-"

He was cut off by loud and obnoxious ringing in the hallway.

Both our eyes turned to look at the black phone hanging on the wall.

A confused look passed his features before he quickly whipped out his cell phone and

called someone.

I gazed between him and the ringing phone several times before someone answered.

Luca left the cell phone on speaker and I heard an unfamiliar voice on the receiving end.

"Lincoln?" Luca asked slowly.

"Yes, Alpha?"

"Who's calling my house phone?" Luca asked.

"It's a Utah number, sir."noveldrama

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