The Lycan King’s Hybrid Queen

Chapter 70


I felt it the moment Astro ceased to exist. The fear I held inside vanished, and I thought I'd return home. But I didn't return home; I'm still stuck wherever this place is.

I have tried so many times to get out of here. But nothing and nowhere I turn lead me out of this place. I thought once Tristan left, he'd find me, but he hasn't. I don't blame my brother; no one knows what Astro did with my body. However, I have no doubt Tristan is out there looking for me. I know my twin, and I know he'll never give up searching until the day he finds me. I only hope it won't be too late.

Having Tristan here meant everything to me. But the trouble was Tristan refused to return home. He had no choice, and I had to make him see that he needed to go. Having to show him our past memories was the only way to get through to him. Tristan didn't want to leave me, and honestly, I didn't want him to leave either.

But Tristan couldn't stay with me; he was alive, only sleeping. I pray my brother made it home. I don't know what I'll do if I return and he's not there.

Why am I here?

Who saved my spirit?

The Moon Goddess did. I don't know why, but I do know that I wish she hadn't. It's so lonely here. The place is beautiful, with so many trees and sunshine. There is always a light breeze in the air, and it's refreshing beyond compare. No houses or other people are here; it's just me alone.

I'm never hungry or thirsty, but then I don't know if I'm really living or if I'm dead. I don't know how long I've been here, either. It could have been hours, days, weeks, or months. Hell, I could have been here a century, and I wouldn't know. But it feels like hours to me. A few very dull, very long hours all alone.

"It has been a little over six months."

I spin on the spot and come face to face with the Moon Goddess in all her ethereal glory. "Selene."

Selene opens her arms to me, and I run into them. Her hug is warm and calming, as my mother's used to be. I miss my mother so much right now. I miss how she would hug me and stroke my hair and how she would tell me she loved me. I miss her Scottish accent and those funny words she'd use when angry about something.

Mommy, I need you.

I also need physical contact. I've been alone all this time, and I've hated it. I was raised with eight siblings in a castle filled with people. My life was never quiet. Silence can be even more deafening than in a room full of people all talking at once.

If I have been here over six months, Lyric would have had her baby, and I missed it. I wonder if Emori and Tyler have a child yet, and how Adam is doing.

How big is he now?

Is he saying Mama and Dada yet?

What about Ivy?

I bet she's grown so much. She'll be walking and talking now, and I'm not there with her or any of them.

I wonder if Tristan did forgive Brody and if they are together now. Knowing Tristan, he's making Brody work for it. I know my brother; he won't let Brody off lightly.

I hope Thorin and Tane are doing well, and Charlie too. Maybe they have children now, or perhaps not.

I miss my father and his warm hugs. The way he used to kiss my forehead, even when I had been bad. Daddy would tell Tristan and me off for pulling pranks on Throin and Tane. But he wouldn't be mad for long; he would laugh when he shouldn't have, and he would hug us tightly.

My little Esme must be so upset. The Goddess knows that little girl means the world to me. I left her with Aidan when I went with Astro. I left her, and I hate myself for breaking a promise.

Then there's Thane and Theo, my big brothers, who I looked up to. I always wanted to be strong like them. They were my heroes, and I want to be home with them, with all of them.

"Shh." Selene breathes against my hair while holding the back of my head as I cry. "Everything is going to be okay, Starr."

"I don't understand why I'm here." Reluctantly, I pull away but don't let go of Selene's waist. "If I'm dead, why aren't I in heaven?"

Selene cups my face and smiles. "You aren't dead, Starr. I saved you because you are important. I have defied Destiny and Fate to save you."


Why would the Moon Goddess do such a thing?

"I hand-picked you the day you were born."

"Hand-picked me? For what?"

Why must she talk in riddles?

Why can't Selene get to the point?

"Come sit with me, Starr." Leading me by the hand, Selene and I take a seat on the fallen log beside the edge of the lake. "The day you were born, I felt such fighting spirit within you, Starr. There was something so wonderfully perfect about you, and I knew you were the one I'd been waiting for."

"I don't mean to be rude," I swallow hard. It isn't easy for me to speak to the Moon Goddess, but I have to be honest with her. "But why am I here? Will I ever be able to go home?"

Selene reaches up and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "You will be able to go home, Starr."

An excited smile spreads across my face but fades when Selene looks at me sympathetically.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"I cannot return you to your family right away. There is something you must do before that." My shoulders drop. "I knew there would be a catch."noveldrama

"There is no catch, Starr. I cannot send you home to your family because your physical body is

almost broken."

"Can't you fix me?"

"I cannot intervene with Destiny and Fate any further. However, there is one person who can

heal you."


"Your mate."

What the hell?

I don't have a mate!

"I know what you're thinking," Selene might be smiling, but inside, I'm fuming. "But you do have a mate, Starr. He is a special person, special to me. He will love you so well, and you will finally be free. In order for you to get home, you must find your mate."

"This doesn't make any sense! You said my body is almost broken, so how am I meant to find

my mate so he can fix me?"

"I will guide you. I will not abandon you, Starr."

What do I have to lose?

I don't want to be here any longer. If I leave now, I'll find my mate. He can heal me, then I can go home to my family, to Tristan.

"Okay, send me back to my body."Always visit for more novels and updates.

She takes my hand in hers, her white hair flows in the breeze, and her blue eyes shine. Her long Greecian robes with elaborate gold trim resemble something from another world. I laugh inside because the Moon Goddess is from another world. Though she is stunningly beautiful, the likes of which have never been seen in real life.

"When you return to your body, you will have no memory of who you are, nor where you came


"What? But how the hell will I get home if I can't remember anything?"

"This is the only way I can send you back, Starr. You won't have your memories, but that

doesn't mean you shouldn't fight to regain them. It might initially seem scary, but your mate will help you find your way."

"How can you be this sure? What if he hates the sight of me? What if I never remember who I


"I can't answer the third question; that is something you'll have to figure out for yourself. As for your mate, he will not hate you, Starr." Selene cups my face again. "And I'm sure because I know the man personally. He is someone close to my heart, and I chose you, especially for him. Now, are you ready?"

I swallow my saliva and nod my head while blowing out a long breath. I'm nervous and a little scared of what's to come. I will forget everything and everyone, and I'll have to work hard to remember them. But I won't give up until I'm home, no matter how long it takes or what I must


"What about my Lycan?" I can't feel her with me and haven't since the day Astro took me away

from my family.

Selene stands, and I follow. "She will return to you soon." She kisses my forehead, and

everything begins to fade.

I'm freefalling with no way of stopping myself. The wind hits my ears, and my stomach turns

over repeatedly until suddenly, my spirit hits my body.

I bolt upright with a huge gasp, and the world around me spins.

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