The Ghost Hunters and The Familiar Strangers

Emerald Becomes Human

Laura felt a sharp pain in her head. She knew she hadn't drunk any alcohol, but her headaches were like someone who has a hangover.

"Fully awake, I see". She heard a voice say as she turned to see it was Reed.

"How long have I been sleeping?". She asked, trying to sit up.

"Um... Almost seven hours. I was scared you were dead, that's why I had to be here to make sure I am the first that gets to see you when you wake up".

A smile crossed her lips. "Where's Evan?".

"He had things to do".

"Vampire stuff?".

"Human stuff". Reed was silent and Laura knew it was unlike him.

"Are you okay?". She asked.

Reed stood up pacing the room to and fro. "Can you stop doing that? You're making me dizzy already".

Reed stopped abruptly and turned to face her making her heart almost jump out of her mouth. She had to touch her chest to keep it from beating so fast. "You're a vampire". He told her waiting for some kind of reaction from her but Laura just sat there staring at him like he had grown seven heads. The next thing she did was burst into laughter.

"You're so funny, Reed". She continues laughing, hoping Reed would join her, but he looked damn serious. Laura stopped laughing as she looked at Reed. "Hold on a sec! Are you serious about this?". She asked him. "It's not my story to tell, but I just thought you should know".

"This has to be some kind of a joke. How the hell did that happen?".

Reed moved closer to her as he touched her hand and covered them with his. "Laura... I want you to know that we all love you and we will do anything and everything to save you".

Laura pushed his hands away. "You have not answered my question Reed. How the hell did it happen?". Her voice went higher, causing Evan, Chloe, Tyler, and Phoebe to walk in.

"What's going on?". Evan asked. When he saw the look in Laura's eyes, he could tell that she was shocked. He looked at Reed. "Reed. what's going on?".

Reed turned to look at him and the rest that was beside him. "I told her the truth".

"You did what?". Phoebe and Chloe asked in unison.

"I can't lie to her or pretend to her... I didn't want to hurt her feelings again".

"But that's my story to tell".

"I know and that's why I didn't tell her the whole truth".

Laura stood up to meet the guys. "Hello... I'm right here in case you both think I'm invisible".

"You should tell her before it's too late". Reed told him and walked out on him.

"For once, I'm going to agree with Reed. Enough secrets, tell her the truth". Chloe said and everyone left except Evan, who stood face to face with Laura.

He wasn't ready yet and he has no idea where to begin. "Are you going to tell me what's going on or are you just going to stand there and stare in my face?". She asked, folding her arms across her chest. "Laura". Evan called trying to touch her, but she quickly pulled away.

"Don't touch me Evan. What the hell was Reed talking about? What secrets are you keeping from me?".

"Laura ... I had no other choice..... you were dying and I...". He paused as he looked wishing he could see a sign that she understood why he did it but her face was emotionless. ".... I had to save you". "How did you save me?". She asked him.

"You were bitten and there was only one way for me to save you from being just like them.... so I....".

"You bit me didn't you?".

"I had no choice".

"Against my wish.... against my goddamn will... you turned me into just like you?".

"Laura.... I'm sorry".

The tears rolled down her cheeks as Evan helped dry her tears. "It was the only way. I was scared and helpless and I wasn't thinking straight... I'm sorry".

Laura threw her hands up in frustration. "So... I'm a vampire now... Is that it?".

"A good wine vampire". Evan pulled her close into his arms as he hugged her. Laura sobbed as she soaked his shirt with her tears. "I know it's going to be hard, but I can assure you that no matter what.. I'll be there all the way through.. I just want you to trust me". Laura nodded. Evan looked at her as he placed his lips on hers and she returned the gesture.

The door reopened Laura quickly pulled away from him. "I'm sorry to interrupt". Chloe said, winking at Evan. "But I'm sure you both would want to see this". Chloe told them as they followed after her.

"How are you feeling?". They heard Phoebe ask as they entered the room.

"I don't know... I feel different". She said in a cool and tiny voice.

"Different how?". Phoebe asked. Laura glanced at the room looking for Adam but he was sitting far from Emerald. She could see that although he was glad Emerald survived, he had that sad look that shows he regretted what he did. "I feel like something is missing in me... I feel so empty". Emerald said.

"You know who you are right?".

"A good wine vampire. How can I forget that?".

"Can you use your vision to glance at the other room over there?". Emerald looked at Phoebe not understanding where this is going but she did it anyway.

"Well, what do you see?". Phoebe asked.

Emerald tried again and again but she saw nothing. "Nothing". She answered Phoebe as she looked at everyone in the room.

"Phoebe, what's going on? how can't she see anything?". Evan asked.

"with everything she said.... it's obvious..... she's no longer a vamp."

The shock that took everyone almost made them unstable. "What do you mean I'm no longer a vampire?". Emerald asked.

"I think it has to do with the bite Adam gave to you. I don't know much about this, but I think that's the only analysis I can give to this".

Adam stood up and left the room. Laura didn't know why, but she felt the urge to go after him so she did.noveldrama

"Apart from feeling empty, do you feel any pain?".

Emerald checked her body, but she was OK only the fact that she's no longer a vampire hurts her heart so bad. "My heart hurts". She said as she tried to hold back the tears, but she was too late, the tears rolled down her cheeks profusely. Phoebe, Chloe, and Bianca hugged her and tried to encourage her.

"I'll check up on Adam and Laura". Evan said as he went in search of Adam and Laura.

He was just a few meters away when he heard a growling sound. "Adam". He called as he rushed to catch up with the vampire before he tries anything stupid with Laura but getting there, he met the shock of his life.

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