The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage)

Chapter 37.

Angel POV.

She will never be able to hurt my family again.

I lost both of my kids because of her. She took my daughter and my unborn child away from me, all because of what my family did to her sick cunt of a father? Her day of reckoning is coming and it will be me who ends her once and for all. Even if it means me dying too. I will break down once I have Rebel safely back in my arms. Until then, I will keep pushing until I find her. Boomer is following the trail and has stopped and I know why. This was where we were ambushed. I stop the SUV and climb out.

I see the marks on the road. Bits of broken glass that hasn't been swept away properly. My boots click on the tarmac with each step I take. I see a dark patch on the ground and I know that is from the gasoline that was spilt. I look straight ahead in the direction they took off. The rumble of bikes behind me doesn't stop me. I walk forward with Boomer in front of me. I stare straight ahead. I will find you, my baby girl. Mommy and daddy are coming to get you, don't be scared.

"Angel." I look behind me and see Ryder as he walks towards me. I turn and face the way I was. The sound of a phone cuts through the silence.

"Prez. We found the van." I turn and look at Ice and walk towards him and take the phone from him and I look at the image sent to him by Rosena. "Where is it?" I ask, and he takes the phone back just as a message appears.noveldrama

"The next town over, north of here. I will send you the coordinates now." He says as I turn and run to my SUV. I whistle as Boomer jumps in and I speed off. The phone beeps with a message and I look at it as I drive with one hand on the wheel as I punch in the coordinates into the GPS and follow the directions.

I drive with all abandon as I reach the coordinates of where the van was dumped as I approach. I shut the engine off and climb out and groan as I grab the door. I breathe through the pain. I will be ok. I will be ok. Right now, finding Rebel is more important. I take a staggering step forward as I approach the van.

I pant as I wobble as I step forward, pushing the pain aside. I feel something gush from between my legs, but I don't care. I need to find my daughter.

Grabbing my gun, I hold it down as I move to the van and lift it as I check the inside. Boomer jumps in and sniffs the back of the van.

"Good boy. Find her." I say as I slump against the van and slide down onto the ground. Black dots dance in my vision, but I shake my head when hands grab me up and I rest my head against his chest.

"Rest princess, we will find her," he says and I feel myself slip. The last thing I hear is Ryder shouting orders before I blackout.

Waking up, I'm back in a hospital bed. I try to move but I feel heavy. I look around and see Ryder asleep in the chair next to my bed with his head by my leg, his hand in mine.

"Ryder, Ryder. Wake up." I say, and he shoots up, looking around frantically when his eyes land on me.

"Why am I back here?" I ask him and he moves to climb up on the bed and gently pulls me to his chest.

"You lost a lot of blood. You have to stay here. You aren't going anywhere, Angel." He tells me and I try to move when I look down and see I'm cuffed to the damn bed.

"No, I need to find her. Please, Ryder. Please let me find her." I say, my throat choking with emotion as he brushes my hair from my face.

"No, you need to rest, princess. We are following the leads we now have. We will get her back. I promise. You will not be going with us. That is an order." He says to me and I sob as he clutches me to his chest.

"Get her back to me. Please. Ryder, promise me you will get her home to her family." I say to him and he nods his head before he kisses my head.

"Sleep, you need to heal." He says

and I do. I drift back off, but I'm plagued with nightmares of what that sick bitch could be doing to my innocent three-year-old baby. I wake again and it's daytime. I lift my arms and the cuffs are gone, but so is Ryder. I panic as I sit up and climb out of bed and groan at the pain in my stomach.

The door opens and I turn to see who has entered and there he is.

"What are you doing out of bed?" he walks to me and places the drinks and bag of food down.

"Bathroom." I say and he nods his head. I place an arm around his shoulders as he lifts me and carries me to the bathroom. He helps me do what I need to do. Embarrassing as it is. I'm not strong enough to hold myself up at the moment.

Once I've done my business and I wash my hands, he lifts me again and carries me back to the bed.

"No, put me in the chair, please." I say to him and he does. The doctor enters the room and I look up.

"Miss Moretti. How are you feeling this morning?" she asks and I just look at her like she is asking the dumbest question in the damn world.

"Fine, when can I leave?" I say I hate hospitals and want to go home. Not the clubhouse, but home to my house.

"We still have some tests to run, then you can go. You need someone with you for the next few days. You suffered a miscarriage, and you haemorrhaged. So you need to take it easy. I know what has happened and I am truly sorry for your loss. You need to get better." She says and I look at her, willing her to combust.

"I'm fine." I look away. I won't acknowledge what has happened, not until I have my daughter back safely in my arms.

Ryder thanks her and asks what we need to look out for and I just look out of the window. It's raining. It's like the heavens are weeping for the loss I have had and crying for the safe return of my baby.

Once the tests are done, I sign the discharge papers as Ryder pays for the medication and my stay. I stand up in pyjamas he helped me in. I walk out with him, holding me up.

"I can walk on my own." I tell him, and he chuckles. Even though I can't I'm being as stubborn as a mule, what does he expect I have been here for days. The tests had to re-done because of a mix up, but I know it was so they could keep me here longer than I wanted to


"I know you can, but let me do this, ok? Coral and my mom are going to stay with you. I need to be out there, Angel. I'm sorry. I need to find her." I nod my head. As bad as it is sounds, I don't need him looking after me. I need him to find her. I can look after myself.

"Go and find her. Bring our daughter

back to me, safe and sound. Burn the fucking place to the ground. Kill anyone and everyone who gets in your damn way. Ryder become the monster. Become Savage. Please, for our daughter. She needs you." I sob as I rest my head against his chest, and he just holds me tighter as we walk through the hospital.

Arriving back at the clubhouse, I go to protest, but he gives me a look and I close my mouth as he carries me in. I see men from other MCS here as well as my family's men. He carries me to our room and places me on the bed. He kisses my head as he settles next to me and I fall asleep sobbing, wanting my daughter back. I have never felt so helpless before.

"It's ok princess. It's ok, let it out. I will bring her home." I give into sleep as I dream of having my little girl back in my arms.

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