Surreptitious Alliance: Marked by My Alien Slave


Morgan pov.

Seven hours and forty-two minutes. That's how long I watched Rain sleep last night. I watched him as we were getting ready for the day. I watched him as we ate our breakfast, delivered to our room in case we ruin Benjamin's breakfast again. I watch him as we make our way down the hallways of the safe house to the control room where everyone has apparently been told to gather after breakfast. I cannot take my eyes off him, and he knows it. I can tell by the knowing smile on his face and his emotions running wild through our bond. He's ridiculously happy about it.

"You look different." Benjamin speaks the moment we step into the room, causing everyone to look at me. Their gazes travel all over me, hoping to find the thing that makes me look different, but they won't find it. Not because I'm not but because it's more to do with a feeling than physical appearance.

"You'll waste all damn day away staring at me like I'm some zoo animal." I drawl and just like that I can see all their wonder go away.

"Never mind." Luca mutters, fluttering down from the corner of the ceiling he's always hovering in. "Let's get started shall we. I presume you've had enough beauty rest?" I roll my eyes at him.

"Just get on with it you fuckward." He salutes me and then the screen behind him lights up. "What's that?" Something in me feels like I've seen those blueprints before but I can't make sense of them.

"A layout of the compound. Ragna drew it up while you were asleep. We're going to use it to break into it and get everything Sinclair has been working on." I stare at the drawing some more and then it makes sense. I've seen them in Rain's mind. While I was admiring him, I was searching around his mind like I was on a mission to find something, and I saw these.noveldrama

"Didn't you guys already go to the compound?" They'd been when I was in the prism, had they not?

"We did, to get samples. We're getting her research this time." Ragna explains. "Ben, over there is going to hack her mind while we talk to her and give us everything we need to get in there. We won't be undetected, but I figure your bullet proof suits can keep us from getting killed?"

"I'm not hacking into her mind!" Benjamin frowns, looking very disgruntled at the idea that his mind manipulation has been likened to a computer term.

"Those suits can only take so much damage. They know we have her so they're going to overcompensate." I mutter and Ragna nods.

"Yes, that's why Sinclair is going to give us the codes to turn off the automatic weapons built into this place." My eyes widen.

"It has built in weapons?" He nods, pointing to the outer perimeter or of the map.

"All around here. You can't see them unless you know to look for them. I accidently saw one when I was on patrol one night. I guess they had tested them and forgot to hide one. When I came back the next time it was hidden but I could see the hatch they came out of, and I went looking. They surround the compound and if I were to guess, they were made to kill, not warn." I nod in understanding.

"What else do I need to know?" Storming the compound will officially start this war, if stealing the bots, Sinclair and getting my sister back hasn't already. They all look between each other, like they don't know how to tell me. "Just, spit it out." I sigh.

"Torren wants to come." Agness finally says and I glare at the wolf like she talked my sister into it when I know there is nothing Torren does that she didn't chose to do.

"No, absolutely not. She can hate me all she wants but she's under no circumstances allowed outside this safe house. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to tell her about this anyway?" I look over all of them, but no one says anything. "I did." Magnus pushes away from the wall he was leaning against, stepping out behind Benjamin who seems to have been shielding the coward somewhat. "I thought she should know."

"Why the fuck would she need to know? She only just got back from whatever hell Sinclair put her through and heard about our messed-up life, what gives you the right to put this on her? Are you so intent in messing up my life that you would put my only family in danger for you own sick satisfaction?" I don't miss the twitch in his eyes when I refer to Torren as my only family. Rain brings his hand up to rub the back of my neck, the movement engraving his scent under my skin and calming me down.

"She's an adult and she'll be a part of this war weather you like it or not." He's thrown against the same wall he just stepped out and it leaves a gash of a crack behind him. I hear the breath leave his lips as my magic keeps him there. It's much more manageable like this and I feel a lot stronger, something he realizes by the look in his eyes.

"I will lock her in here myself if I must but there is no way she's going to war. You are done ruining my life. The next time you want to eat a piece of bread you talk to me about it. If you want to go to the toilet, you ask my permission. You won't even dare breathe any louder than a whisper or I swear, Magnus, it will be the last breath you take. You took my baby from me; you're not taking my sister." Gasps can be heard around the room at the revelation.

"Morgan, you were..." Isa can't finish her sentence, looking between my belly and my eyes.

"Just before he exiled me to the prism." I nod, feeling the shift in the room. Magnus drops to the ground when I release him, and I don't think I'll ever get used to that satisfaction of throwing him around like he's a rag doll. "Now, if no one has any more crazy suggestions to make, how about we go talk to Sinclair?" I look over at Ragna who nods. Benjamin walks closer and Rain's arm warps around my waist before I blink the four of us into the holding cell, she's in. Her eyes widen at the sight of us, and I grin, knowing I'm going to have way too much fun with this.

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