Stealing the Heart of Mr. Steele

Heart 111

Chapter 111 [Cordelia]noveldrama

Even though Atlas wanted to take me home, I insisted on watching to make sure everything happened the way that it needed to happen. I made the mistake of leaving too soon and look where it got me. I was willing to stay here alone, but Atlas stayed by my side the entire night while I watched and made sure that my dresses were fixed.

The last of them were packaged and boxed just after midnight.


My whole body relaxes as I watch the last box join the others.

"Congratulations," Atlas smiles as he squeezes my hand. "You did it."

I know I should be excited but my body is so exhausted I can barely manage a weak grin in response and a half-hearted, "Yay,"

"Come on," he pulls me into his arms. I lean into him, enjoying his dirty sweaty smell maybe even more than his usual crisp linen and clean soap scent. We both worked hard tonight. Together.

The driver he had hired went home hours ago, leaving the two of us to fend for ourselves. Thankfully, Atlas 'hands are now steady as he opens my door and helps me get settled in. I'm so tired I cannot even manage the seat belt. Atlas finds a small blanket in the trunk and spreads it over me. Tilting back the seat to make a bed of sorts, I snuggle in.

"Are you hungry?" he asks quietly as he buckles his seatbelt.

"A little," I admit. I haven't had anything since lunch because I was too depressed to eat. "Actually," my belly grumbles, "I'm starving."

"All right, it's settled then," he smiles, patting my empty belly. "I'll treat you to an amazing dinner."

"But it's after midnight," I remind him. It was late when we got here and even later now that we spent hours working on the line and packaging it up. "Nothing is open at this hour except for dive bars,"

"I know a place that never closes," he grins. "The food is amazing and made to order. The cook is a personal friend. Don't worry, he won't mind."

"Oh...okay..." I am not sure what his plan is, but when I agreed to date him, that also meant I agreed to trust him. "If you are sure it won't be a problem."

Atlas assures me that it will be no problem at all and suggests that I let myself have a little rest on the way. Atlas. promises to wake me up when we get there. So I close my eyes and snuggle into the warmth of the heated seats. I think his real plan is to keep this restaurant a secret, but I'm willing to let him have his little surprise.

My body is beyond tired, not just from the previous day and the rollercoaster of emotional ups and downs, but also from the work of growing a new human. I haven't been resting the way I should. If Atlas knew, he'd probably scold me and put me on house arrest until I learned to treat myself better.

Which is why I have no intention of telling him how much this whole situation cost me. He already feels so much guilt and responsibility.

When we finally reach our destination, Atlas gently shakes me awake. "We're here," he whispers in my ear as he helps me out of my seat belt. I don't protest as he lifts me into hi

arms, holding me to his chest like a new bride. It feels so good, to be so close to him that I am tempted to fall asleep again.

"I need to unlock the door," he apologizes as he sets me down.

"Unlock the door," I groan, rubbing my eyes. "Can't we just knock?"

Rubbing my eyes I look around and see a very familiar landscape. He tricked me! "Atlas, why are we here?"

"I told you I knew a place that was open all night, where we could get dinner, and I knew the chef personally." He grins gleefully.

Rather than take me out to eat, he took me to his house.

"This is not a restaurant," I poke him in the chest. "You said you were going to find us food and that it wouldn't be any trouble. You said the chef wouldn't mind," I poke him a little bit harder. "I know for a fact that April would not appreciate it if you called her up in the middle of the night to make us dinner"

He laughs.

"I'm not kidding, Atlas," I frown. "April already hates me. Do you think I want her to spit in my food for waking her up at 1 am?"

Atlas stands there with the door propped open. The house is completely dark. "Why would I call April?" He flicks on the light as he takes my hand and leads me inside.

"Because you don't cook?" I raise a single eyebrow at him as I place my hands on my hips.

"You have never seen me cook," he admits. "But that doesn't mean I don't know how. There are lots of things I know how to do for myself. You will find that as you get to know me I'm a man of many talents."

"Are you now," I laugh along with him, enjoying the flirty casual quality of our conversation. It has never been this easy between us. I am pleased that he feels comfortable enough to show me this side of him. This version of Atlas is so different from the version he shows the rest of the world.

It feels special that he has saved this side for me.

"Yes," his voice drops, that single word sending a delicious shiver down my spine. "Many."

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