Revenge After Divorce Novel by Black Rose

Chapter 46


Two days later and the news about my dad and sister had not died down yet. I was sick of it and wanted it to be over already. But it seemed the reporters were not going to stop until they got the whole story. My parents refused to indulge them, they refused to give a statement again and give them the full story.

I have been working from home because my office is crowded by those vultures. It didn’t help that my lawyer wanted me to let my son stay with Olivia. She said it was good for children to grow up with their mothers, but my concern was the kind of role model Olivia was going to be to my son. The woman was not who I thought she was.

She went after my family, she might hate me, but she went after her son’s family. What was that? our son still has to know us; what did she think she was doing when she put something like that out in the world for all to see. Did she want our son to grow up thinking that our family was bad?

I didn’t care what the lawyer said, as soon as the whole thing is over. I am going to take Samuel from her. I was going to let her keep him and visit from time to time but now. I didn’t think Olivia was a good mother.

“Nick?” my mother called, and I kept quiet. I didn’t want to talk to her. she and father hid the fact that I had a sister all these years. Kept me in the dark as if I was a child they were protecting. “Nick, where are you?” she continued to call my name and I kept my mouth shut.

Soon the door to the study opened and she poked her head in. “There you are, didn’t you hear me calling?” I kept quiet and just looked at her. “I know you are not happy with us for keeping your sister a secret from you, but you have to understand one thing. This is none of your business.”

I frowned looking at the woman, I couldn’t believe she just sad that, it was my sister she was talking about. “I know she is your sister but what good. would it have done to tell you about her when your father tried and failed to find her? any way now you know about her, and we need your help.” I raised an eyebrow.

Now it was convenient for them they tell me, and they want my help. Parents sometimes can be cruel. Mother didn’t care how I felt about the whole thing, as she said, it was none of my business and yet they need my help. “We want you to go and get her. bring her here so we can talk to her and maybe find a way to resolve this.“;

I frowned. “Really, mom? I thought it was none of my business.” She sat down. “Now is not the time to be acting like a child Nick, those reporters. must be hounding her like dogs. Her life is never going to be the same againnoveldrama

a time like this is not

after this and leaving her alone to fend for herself a

good. Please son, do this for me.”

I stood and took my keys then left without saying a word to her. I was not doing it for her, I was doing it for my sister. She doesn’t deserve to have her life splattered in the news like that because of our father. They might not know who she was now but sooner or later they were going to find out and when that happened.

They were never going to let her have peace. It was better she came home. where she could be safe. Given drove me there while my other guards drove behind us. I didn’t want those reporters getting close to us and I didn’t want them seeing her face when we leave that place.

When we got there, those people where indeed, in front of the club. Those who wanted to appear on tv were there as well. The club must have been making money since the story broke. People would do anything to get their two minutes of fame.

“Go around the back and see if there is no door there.” There should be one for the employees. Given drove around the back and indeed, there was a door. We stopped and knocked on it and a security guard opened. “Mr Jones, good morning, sir.” Being well known could be a curse sometimes.

“You know who I am here for?” he quickly nodded. I was curious to see the girl. “Come this way, the second madame is this way.” Second madam, what was that about?” he led us to the back where the offices were. He knocked on the door and someone inside invited us in.

He opened the door and poked his head in. “Madame, someone is here for you.”

“Is it Mr Jones?” she asked sounding happy. “Yes, but the young Mr Jones.” There was silence. I pushed the guard aside and walked in. A beautiful woman sat behind a desk. She looked at me when I walked in. “You must be Nick,” she said leaning back on the chair.

“Yes, and I thought you were a call girl.” She frowned then chuckled. “Well, I am. But I also own part of this place but when a client requests my services and are willing to pay. They get them, just like your father.”

“Our father you mean.”

“Yes, I knew there was a reason I was so comfortable with him.” she looked like an interesting woman.

“You came here to see for yourself your call girl sister?”

“I came to take you home, but I see now that I don’t need to. You are safe since you are the boss.” She stood and took her bag. “No, I will go with you. I would like to meet the woman who chased my mother a way the day she brought me to my father.”

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