My Hot Alpha

Chpater 411

Sure, as hell Jake took care of it and made them leave. I didn't ask what he said but I was relieved when they left. Now not so much. I couldn't help but feel bad. I was riddled with guilt. I basically threw my gran out because I wasn't ready to face the truth because that's really what it all came down to. But what else could she tell me that I hadn't already found out? Was she going to explain her reasoning behind it all?

A sigh fell from my lips as I sat up. There was a knock on the door before Jake stuck his head inside.

"You've been in here for almost an hour babe".

I was currently laying in the bath with music playing in the background and a few candles lit round the side. I knew I had to get out. My skin had already started to wrinkle. "Did you book somewhere for tonight?". I asked.

"I did". He nodded. "But then I cancelled and thought we'd get takeout instead".

"This is why I love you". I laughed. "But I feel bad about what happened today. I basically threw my gran out".

"They were fine. I told them you suddenly got a headache and weren't feeling well".

"And she was okay about it?". I chewed the inside of my cheek.

"She was fine". He shrugged. "She asked if you'd call her when you were feeling better".

"I feel bad for lying. Do you think she knew I was lying?".

"I think she knew you were uncomfortable with them showing unannounced but it's not a big deal. Call her when you're ready".noveldrama

"Did she say where they were staying?". George lived out of town at least a few hours' drive. I hope they didn't drive all the way out here to then have to drive all the way back. "Your old house". He scratched the back of his head.

"No". I gasped reaching for the towel. "What about Lacey and Jack?".

"They're going to stay with Jack's parents for a few days".

"This is so messed up. Why would they show up unannounced and then think it would be okay to live in our old house". I stepped out of the bath and made my way to our bedroom. "Did she know it was occupied?". He asked.

"That doesn't matter. Why do I have a feeling she wants to move back here?". I rummaged through my drawers finding clean pjs. "She up and left without no explanation. We've barely spoken to each other in months and-...".

"Hey". He whispered. "Stop getting so worked up about it all. Whatever the reason she's here we'll deal with it".

"I hate this". I sighed. "It should never have ended up this way. Everything's a mess". I fell against him resting my head against his shoulder.

"It can only get better baby but whatever happens I've got you". He kissed the top of my head his arms tightening around my waist.

I loved how he could calm me instantly. He always made me see the bigger picture. No matter what happened I would always have him. Nothing was going to change unless I let it and my gran being here wasn't going to make a difference. "I should get dressed. Do you want to order pizza?".

"Sure babe". He placed a kiss on my lips before leaving me to get dressed.

I was so happy this morning and now, now I felt deflated. Wasn't it my turn to catch a break? I pulled on my pjs followed by my dressing gown before heading downstairs. Jake was sat on the couch with a beer, his head buried in his phone. "Everything okay?". I asked.

"Just checking in with Rocco for tonight".

"Rocco's still on night patrol?". I asked taking a seat on the other couch.

"He is". He nodded. "He's one of the best trackers we've got and like I told you before I trust him".

"Trackers?". I frowned.

"He's got a good nose". He smiled. "He's a strong wolf Leah and we need the best people out there right now".

"He also needs a break from being on nights". Rocco might be a strong wolf, but he wasn't the only one. Other people were capable of taking their turn.

"Says he prefers it". He shrugged.

"Who prefers working through the night?". I made a face. "And I think he only says that to keep the peace. His family are safe here and he wants to keep it that way".

"Did he say something to you?". He frowned putting his phone away.

Ah, he was giving me his full attention. He says he trusts Rocco but was this conversation going to start an argument?

"We talked when I was on patrol that one time and before you say anything no, he didn't ask me to talk to you". I wanted to get that part in before he jumped to conclusions. "So, you think we should switch it up?".

"I do". I nodded. "Maybe a rotation and I think there should be more than two people out there at night".

"I see". He laughed.

"What?". I frowned. "What's funny?".

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