My Hockey Alpha

Chapter 661

Chapter 0661


"A wolf?" he asked, shooting me a quizzical look. "I sent a bird shifter as a spy. Not a wolf."

The moment my father dropped that revelation on me, it felt as though the world was tilting beneath my feet. I thought back to the intense chase Luke and I had had earlier, the way the wolf seemed to be luring us, leading us on... And then I thought back to the wolf that had caused Jessica's accident, and how it had almost killed her.

If it wasn't my dad's spy, then who the hell was it?

"Wait," I said, passing my hand over my weary face, "say that again. You said you sent a... bird shifter?"

"Yes," my father replied tentatively. "A shifter with a bird form rather than a wolf one."

"Nina, are you sure this wolf you saw was a shifter, and not just a regular wolf?"

I scoffed, throwing my hands up in the air. "Mom, it led us on a wild goose chase," I said. "It caused Jessica's car accident, too. It has to be a shifter."

A heavy silence fell over the room at that point. My brother, who had been standing off to the side, shifted uncomfortably where he stood. It was clear to me then that my parents had likely brought him along just to make me more likely to go back with them.

I was just about to open my mouth to tell them to leave, however, when the sound of the front door opening suddenly filled the silence. We all spun around, surprised by the sudden entrance. A moment later, Enzo slowly walked into the room with his hockey bag slung over his shoulder.

When he saw us all standing there, he stopped in his tracks. The hockey bag slipped from his shoulder and fell onto the floor with a thud, and then the room was silent once more.

"What's going on?" Enzo asked, his eyes flicking between my visibly shaken figure and my family standing tensely in our living room.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my voice. "My, um... My dad just told me that he sent a bird shifter to spy on us, not a wolf. We've been chasing the wrong creature all this time."

Enzo's brow furrowed, a look of disbelief crossing his face. "A bird shifter?" he asked. "Then who is the yellow- eyed wolf?"

Before I could speculate any further, my father suddenly stepped forward, his presence imposing even in the familiar setting of our home. The living room, usually a haven of warmth and comfort with its plush sofas and soft lighting, felt suddenly like a battleground with the way he was staring sternly at the both of us.

"Nina," my father began, his voice firm, "I came here to apologize and explain. But now, learning you're being stalked by an unknown shifter, you must return to the werewolf realm. It's not safe for you here."

I felt a surge of defiance at his words. Sure, the yellow-eyed wolf was a problem, but this was my home. I-no, we- had already made the decision to stay here. I wasn't going anywhere.

"No," I finally said after a moment. "I'm not going back to the werewolf realm."

My father let out an exasperated scoff. "Nina, this isn't a choice. You're coming back with me."


"No, thank you." I folded my arms across my chest, leveling my father with a gaze that was just as fiery and stern as his own. "I'm perfectly safe in my own home, dad. We've got everything under control here.*

"You need protection, Nina," my father insisted.

"No, dad. Look, I love you, and I appreciate the concern, but I'm not some delicate flower that needs constant guarding. Okay? So please, just leave me in peace."

My father's expression hardened. He took a step closer, and it was clear that he wasn't going to back down so easily. "You are a princess, Nina," he said through gritted teeth. "Your safety is paramount."

"Being a princess doesn't mean I lose all my freedom," I shot back, the frustration clear in my own voice as I took a step closer to him. "Just because I'm aware of my true lineage now doesn't mean I have to be caged."

My father and I were almost face-to-face now, our anger palpable. Don't get me wrong; I was fully aware of the irony of the situation, of the glaring similarities between our shared stubbornness and anger.

But I wasn't going to back down. This was my home, and I had made a decision to be here. Screw being a princess; I belonged here. The werewolf realm, a place where I was under constant surveillance and where my own friends weren't even welcome, was no place for me.

"Nina, you're acting as insolent as ever," my father said, his voice rising now. Even at its current octave, it boomed across the room. "Unless you want to end up like your sis-"


gasp came over the room. "How dare you!" I cried out, my eyes widening, my voice trembling at the mere mention of my dead twin.

My father, realizing his transgressions, turned away. The room fell silent as I watched my father, his shoulders trembling with a mixture of pain and anger. The sight would have normally made me soften-he had, after all, lost his daughter-but I still couldn't bring myself to back down.

"Nina," Enzo said softly, reaching out to touch my shoulder, "he didn't mean it."

"To hell with what he meant," I muttered, pulling my shoulder away. "Dad, I'm staying here, whether you like it or not. I'm sorry about what happened to Selina, but... no amount of coddling could have fixed that. Just as no amount of coddling will ever keep me completely safe."

"Fine," my father hissed, his shoulders still trembling. "When you come to your senses, I'll be waiting for you, Nina. Your realm needs its princess."

"It's not my realm," I retorted. "It never was, and it never will be."

My father froze again, stiffening as though he was about to say something. But he didn't. Instead, he opened a new portal, filling the room with the crackling electricity that swirled in front of us. He turned then, shooting me one last painful glance before stepping toward the portal.

"Come, Angelica," Aldric said, gesturing to my mother.

But to everyone's surprise, my mother didn't move toward him. Instead, she stepped closer to me, her decision clear. She took her hand in mine, and I looked down at it, blinking with shock.

"No, Aldric," she said. "I'm staying here. I will stand by my daughter."

My father turned, his eyes widening. "Angelica-

"You heard me," she said. "Go home without me. I'm staying here, with Nina."

For a few moments, the room felt silent despite the swirling vortex hovering in front of all of us. My father looked over at Tyler next, who had been silent throughout this whole exchange.


My brother looked back and forth between the three of us, his eyes searching our faces before he stepped to my other side, taking my other hand.

"If mom's staying, then I'm staying too," he said. "We're a family. We stick together."

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