Mafia Kings: Valentino: Dark Mafia Romance Series #6

Mafia Kings: Valentino: Chapter 40

It took a while before Alessandra said it was okay for me to leave.

I assumed she had to pay the guy in Sicily, but she wouldn’t tell me for sure – just that we had to wait.

I was a nervous wreck as I packed. Niccolo still hadn’t come home from Sicily, and I was hoping I could be gone before he arrived.

Then the big moment arrived.

Alessandra came to get me just after 3PM.

“You ready?” she asked with a sympathetic smile.

I nodded, trying to look braver than I felt – but I had never been more scared in my entire life.

As I lugged my battered suitcase down the hall, Alessandra walked beside me, giving me advice.

“You’ll be fine – just keep your money safe from pickpockets. But if something happens, call me. You memorized my cell number, just in case?”

“Yes,” I said nervously.

“Good.” She put a reassuring hand on my arm. “It’s going to be okay. It’s all going to work out just fine.”

I forced a smile, but I wasn’t confident.

I had never even flown on an airplane before –

And here I was, about to go straight to the airport in Florence and fly to Sicily!

“Well…” Alessandra said as we reached the door.

“I guess this is it,” I said as I turned to face her.

We looked at each other –

And then both of us welled up with tears as we laughed and embraced.

“I’m going to miss you so much,” I sobbed.

“Hopefully you won’t be away for long,” she whispered into my ear.

I wasn’t nearly as hopeful as she was.

The idea that I could go to Sicily, find Valentino, and convince him to disobey his family’s orders?

It sounded like a fairy tale to me.

Alessandra was sure it would work, though.

When I’d told her my doubts, she said, I’ll believe for the both of us.

Right now, she was doing all the believing.

But I wanted Valentino back so badly I was willing to try just about anything.

That was immediately put to the test.

“Alessandra,” a voice said darkly.

We stopped hugging and looked over to see Don Rosolini and Niccolo striding towards us.

Both of them looked angry.

Not only that, but two foot soldiers were behind them.

My heart literally stopped in my chest.

“Open your purse,” Niccolo commanded me.

I stared at him like a deer in headlights.

“When did you get back?” Alessandra asked, evidently surprised to see him.

“Half an hour ago,” he answered, then turned to me and snarled, “I said – ”

“She’ll do no such thing!” Alessandra interrupted.

Niccolo pointed at her. “You stay OUT of this!”

Alessandra looked like she was about to tear Niccolo limb from limb –

But Don Rosolini jumped in first.

“I’ll handle it,” he said as he gave his brother a warning look.

Niccolo immediately went silent.

Don Rosolini looked at me. “I need to see the contents of your bag.”

Alessandra stepped in front of me, shielding me from her husband. “Why?”

Don Rosolini glared at her. “The fact that I said so is sufficient.”

That didn’t satisfy Alessandra. “Tell me why you need to see her bag!”

Don Rosolini clenched his jaw, but he answered. “One of the servants reported that she thinks Caterina has come into possession of a great deal of money – more than she could have possibly saved while working here.”


I’d bet good money it was her.

She was the only one I’d told I was leaving. When she’d asked how I could just up and quit, I’d told her that I had some money saved. Apparently she’d been suspicious.

That back-stabbing BITCH!

I couldn’t see Alessandra’s face because I was standing behind her, but her voice was scathing. “That’s how you occupy your time now – going around listening to servants’ gossip?”

“Do not defy me, Alessandra,” Don Rosolini said coldly. “Caterina, open your bag.”

I watched as the two foot soldiers moved to either side of me –

And was sure I was about to die.

Alessandra kept looking at her husband, but she said calmly to me, “Open your purse, Caterina.”

My heart stuttered. “M-ma’am – ”

“Open your purse and show him.”

My hands trembled as I opened my bag –

Revealing a thick wad of bills with a rubber band around them.

“HA!” Niccolo said triumphantly.

“I gave it to her,” Alessandra said.

His eyes opened wide. “…what?! Why?!”

“Why do you think? So she can leave here and start a new life.”

Niccolo quickly got over his surprise and went back to being surly. “Servants are not allowed to leave our employ without the express permission of myself or the Don.”

“She has my permission.”

“That’s not enough,” Niccolo said with a trace of contempt in his voice, like he was talking to a child.

I had never heard Alessandra speak like she did next…

And frankly, it scared me a little.

“I am the wife of your Don, consigliere,” she said, her voice cold as steel. “You would do well to remember your place when speaking to me.”

I had never seen Niccolo that shocked before.

Apparently I wasn’t the only one surprised by the way she was acting.

“There are security risks involved!” he protested, trying to justify himself. “She can’t just leave – ”

“She’s heartbroken. Staying here is a reminder of everything she’s lost – everything you TOOK from her,” Alessandra seethed.

Niccolo turned to his boss in exasperation. “Dario – ”

“Go wait over there,” Don Rosolini commanded as he pointed at the other end of the foyer.

Niccolo stared at him. “Are you serious?!”

Dario gave him a warning look…

And Niccolo shook his head in angry disbelief, then walked away.

Don Rosolini turned back to Alessandra. “Niccolo’s right. We are in a delicate situation, as you well know. We can’t afford to let people come and go as they please.”

“Are you worried about Caterina’s safety, or her loyalty?” Alessandra asked coldly.


“Caterina was my first friend when I came here – my only friend. When you forced me to come here that night from my father’s café, she was the only one who showed me kindness. Are you really suggesting that my best friend is going to betray the family?”

When she said that, my heart swelled up and tears sprang to my eyes.

But Don Rosolini was not affected in quite the same way. “Might I remind you, my uncle and cousin betrayed the family.”

“Yes, well, I’d say that says something about your family, not Caterina,” Alessandra snapped.

The look Don Rosolini gave her made me fear for both our lives.

Just when I thought he might have me killed and Alessandra taken upstairs to be beaten, Alessandra spoke again – but this time her voice was pleading rather than angry.

“Isn’t it enough that you sent Valentino away to marry some stranger? Isn’t it enough that you broke Caterina’s heart? Now you have to punish her, too, by making her stay where she’s reminded of him everywhere she goes? This woman, who was the only person to make me feel safe and cared for when I came here?”

Don Rosolini looked from his wife to me.

My eyes welled up from Alessandra’s words.

Maybe my tears moved him. Either way, his expression softened.

“Where are you going?” he asked quietly.

I dropped my eyes. “T-to Florence, Don Rosolini.”

“Since this happened so quickly, I’m assuming you don’t have a job lined up yet.”

“N-no, sir.”

“Stay right here,” he commanded me, then walked towards Niccolo.

My heart froze. I was expecting them to confer on whether I could leave –

And from Niccolo’s expression, apparently he was expecting that, too.

But Don Rosolini walked past his surprised brother into the study and closed the door.

I looked at Alessandra, who shrugged.

Half a minute later, Don Rosolini walked back into the foyer.

My heart was beating so rapidly that I thought I might have a heart attack.

I half-expected him to be holding a gun.

I was sure he would point it at me and pull the trigger –

But then he held out his hand.

In it was another roll of bills, even larger than what Alessandra had given me.

“Here,” he said.

I gasped. “Sir – I can’t – ”

He didn’t bother to argue. He just took my hand, pressed the money into my palm, and folded my fingers over it. “Go somewhere nice. Take a vacation. Try to forget… and heal.”

I was overcome with emotion and burst out sobbing.

Alessandra smiled at her husband like, I KNEW there was a reason I fell in love with you.

“Dario!” Niccolo shouted as he stomped over. “This is unbelievable! You can’t just – ”

“Do you have any money?” Don Rosolini asked.

“What?” Niccolo asked, momentarily distracted from his tirade.

“Do you have any money?” Don Rosolini repeated.

“Uh – yes, but – ”

“Give it to her.”

Niccolo stared at his brother. “Are you serious?”

“Give it to her,” Don Rosolini growled.

Niccolo stared for a second longer in shock –

Then fumed as he pulled out a wallet, took out another several thousand euros, and thrust them at me angrily.

I was too scared to take it from him –

So the Don took it instead and put it in my hand with the rest of the money.

“Che Dio ti accompagni,” he said quietly.

May God go with you.

With that, he signaled to his men, and he turned and walked out of the foyer.

Niccolo glared at me and Alessandra one last time, then followed along behind them.

Once they were gone, Alessandra exhaled loudly in relief.

I looked at her in surprise.

“You weren’t the only one who was scared,” she whispered with a lopsided smile.

I burst into tears and hugged her again. She held me close.

“Thank you,” I sobbed. “For everything you’ve done for me.”

“Thank you,” she whispered into my ear, then pulled away so she could smile at me through her own tears. “For being there when I needed you. I’m glad I can finally repay the favor.”

We cried a little more, hugged again, and then she said, “It’s time.”

She led me outside where a black Mercedes was waiting. As I stuffed the money Don Rosolini had given me into my purse, the driver of the car put my suitcase in the back.noveldrama

“Pickpockets,” Alessandra reminded me as she pointed at my purse.

“I’ll hide some of it in my bra.”

“Good. I’m here if you need to call me.” She leaned in close and whispered, “Remember everything I told you.”

I nodded.

“It’s all going to turn out fine,” she reassured me with a smile. “I’ll believe for the both of us.”

I hugged her one last time, then got into the car to begin my journey.

To Sicily…

And Valentino.

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