Luna of the Cursed Alpha King (Helga and Siegren)

Chapter 123


"UGH!" Andi groaned and slowly opened his eyes, wincing at the throbbing pain in his head. Everything was a blur at first, but as his vision cleared, he took in his surroundings. He was lying on the hard concrete floor of a dark and musty room, his hands bound behind his back with thick ropes. He tried to move but winced when pain shot down his spine. However, as soon as Andi saw Helga lying unconscious just a few meters away from him, the pain in his body disappeared completely. He quickly crawled over to her and carefully checked for any injuries. Other than a few scrapes and bruises, she seemed okay Suddenly, the memories came rushing back. Someone burst into the study and knocked them unconscious. And now they were being held captive in some unknown location. F***" he muttered t to imself, feeling a surge of anger and frustration course through him. He had one job, to watch and keep her safe, yet he failed to do it. Despite his his unwavering loyalty to the previous Lycan King, he still held a deep respect for Riovanni. As his beta, it was his duty to ensure nothing but the best for him, no matter the cost or sacrifice. But as he sat there, watching Helga lying motionless, he was starting to question whether he still deserved to be Riovanni's beta.

this is not the time to think of use think of useless thoughts."

"No, this is As he pondered the dire the knew his ultimate was to escape and them If he couldn't, the King would good this threats to him and


the of that happening made him shudder.

ved na and started scanning the room, taking note of their surroundings. The walls were made of plain concrete, with no windos in sight. The only source of light was from a single bare bulb hanging from the ceiling. "Where are we? I don't think there's a room like here in the palace," he uttered a low curse before whipping his head around at the sound of a rustle. His eyes widened as he saw Helga stirring, slowly regaining consciousness. Despite his disdain for her parents, Kiovanni had entrusted him to look after her. And so, he felt an obligation to prove Joyalty to Riovanni by fulfilling this duty. As he looked upon Helga's pale, delicate features, he couldn't help but wonder who his could have abducted them-the first person that came to his mind was the Alpha King, but quickly dismissed the thought after realizing how ridiculous he was for even thinking about that

If Siegren was truly here to save his wife, there was no way he would make her unconscious.

"Helga, come on, wake up." Andi whispered urgently nudging her with his elbow. Helga groaned and slowly opened her eyes, wincing at the pain in her head. She then tried to move but realized that she was also bound with "And she asked, confused and disoriented.


"Yes, it's me," he replied, relief flooding through him for some reason. Are you alright?" Helgas

shook her head, trying to clear the log in her mind. She couldn't help but wonder if it was really Andi she was talking to, not only did he sound concerned about her, but she also couldn't detect any disdain or hatred in his voice. It made her question whether he was the satur person who was glaring at her earlier. "Wait!" she gasped as the memories of their abduction came rushing back. She pushed herself to sit up and once she did, she looked around the room wardly. "Where are we?"

"I don't know, I don't remember having this kind of place in the palace, he answered, and Helga closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calmherself down She could feel teats threatening to spill out of her eyes as she thought about what might happen to her and her unborn pup- "Are you sure? No one's going to de 10 32% 13:02 Fri, Oct 18 tiu. Chapter 123

finally pieced together the truth. The commotion caused by the previous Lycan King earlier had been a sly distraction, meant to draw her and Riovanni apart. And seeing that Andi was here with her could only mean that he had nothing to do with the abduction. "You don't have a proof- "Open your eyes, Andi. The person you are defending is not a good person. You are directing your loyalty to the wrong figure." Helga cut him off, she wanted to caress her stomach, desperate to ease the nerves that were threatening to overtake her. But the tight ropes binding her wrists behind her back prevented any movement, leaving her feeling helpless and vulnerable. "You claimed to not remember any place like this in the palace? Let me enlighten you, it does exist. We're still inside the palace grounds." "What are you talking a about?" Andi frowned, not liking how she was speaking as if she knew something he did not. "You may have lived in this palace as a child, but you were kept hidden away. What could you possibly know-" "Riovanni told me that this is the location where his father's victims were taken captive. His description fits this place." Helga cut him off again, not wanting to hear his rude remark as if she was somehow inferior and weak. Andi's frown deepened, curiosity taking control of his mind as he struggled to comprehend what she was trying tonoveldrama

say. "Were you not aware? Demian was involved in despicable acts such as slavery and prostitution. The majority of the people! affected were women, and he was keeping them hidden in the basement of the palace's right wing" she answered calmly as she watched him flinch at the words he hadn't been expecting to hear. After all, he always believed that the former Lycan King was a respectable man, despite his tendency to become belligerent when drunk.

"What victim?" he asked, causing Helga's brow to raise. That only confirmed that Andi was innocent and had no knowledge of the previous King's wrongdoings.

"I understand that it may be difficult for you to believe, but what I'm saying is the truth. Demian isn't a person who deserves. your unwavering loyalty." Helga's voice rang out, her tone adding a sense of urgency to their conversation. Just as Andi opened his mouth to respond, they both froze at the sound of fint noises coming from outside. It was distant but unmistakable-a sharp crack that could only be a gunshot.

Her eyes widened in anticipation as she assumed that the highly anticipated royal pack

But even more than that, the distant screams coming from other rooms caught her andad finally arrived. Her heart began to pound against her chest, knowing that their chances of being rescued were high now.

Andi's attention, causing them to exchange knowing looks filled with unease and curiosity. "You heard that? If that wasn't enough proof to you, I don't know how else I would convince you with the truth," she said, and Andi pursed his lips.

He desperately wanted to deny everything, but deep down, he knew she was telling the truth. The haunting echoes of terrified screams reverberated through the dark corridors, a constant reminder of his role in this tragedy. Though he may not have actively participated in crime, his naivety and ignorance allowed it to happen right under his nose. Shame washed over him as he realized he could have done something to prevent it, only if he pledged his loyalty to the right person


"What should we do?" After much hesitation and inner turmoil, he finally made the decision to believe and trust her. A genuine smile of relief spread across Helga's face, knowing that he was finally on their side,

With a deep breath, she began to reveal every detail of their plan to Andi, his expression shifting from uncertainty to disbelief. He never expeted that everything she and Riovanni had been doing was all part of a carefully calculated scheme, Teaving him feeling foolishly fooled. But none of that mattered now as their ultimate goal remained the same-escape and save Demian's victims.

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