Loving Quinn Novel by North Rose

Chapter 31


Aaron has been on the phone since we all climbed into my car. We are headed to the meet with the owner of the land we want to buy. Miss. Miller called the man while we waited patiently and, to our surprise, he was interested in meeting with us. So, we all piled into my car since it was the only vehicle that would fit three people.

My mind is going crazy trying to find anything in my memory about Ethan McAllister. Until our recent dealings with him, we had no known associations with McAllister Industries. His reason for black balling us in business is a mystery.

I have my suspicions, but there is no proof,

“Ok, so Mac hasn’t come up with anything just yet, but he is putting more investigators on it. Miss. Miller, do you think we have a good chance of convincing Mr. Montgomery to sell to us?” Aaron asks.

“Clifford Montgomery has lived in this area for most of his life. I think be will want to see your program succeed.”

“Why did he move out of San Francisco?”

“He moved to be closer to his daughter and grandchildren.”

The long drive to the Montgomery Estate takes us two hours to do. When we pull up the gated entrance, a guard steps out of the booth, then after seeing our identification, he clears us through the gate. The large wrought–iron gate swings open inward, allowing us to enter

The driveway winds up a small hill, then into a wide parking area in front of the front door. The house is bigger than I expected. What surprises me the most is that Clifford is waiting for us at the door. His stark white head of hair is tidy. I can feel his gaze on me as I get

out of the car.

There is a wisdom that only comes with age in his steel–grey eyes. “You must be the two men who want to build on my land. Come insidey and give me your sales pitch.”

An hour and a half later, after we have shown Clifford our plans and all the data on the homeless population in the area, he smiles at us Not one of those fake smiles rich men give to other rich men when making deals like this one. The smile he gives us feels genuine.

“Erikka, pull out the papers for me, and let’s get this deal done. I will sell both plots of land to you boys for half the asking price.”

To say I am shocked is an understatement. Under asking price is one thing, but half the price is something that is almost unheard of. It makes me wonder if there is anything wrong with the property if he will sell so cheaply.

“Why would you sell it to us at that price?” Aaron asks.

As always, my best friend seems to know what I am thinking before I even say anything. This is why we make excellent business partners. I glance at him before looking back at Clifford,

“What you want to do for the community is much better than McAllister’s plans to build a tire factory. You boys will not only be creating jobs, but you will help those who more often than not fall under the cracks of society. Your project is worth selling my land for half the price

Miss. Miller reaches into her large briefcase and pulls out the file containing the deeds to both properties, the sales slip, and the documents for her company’s records. Once everything is signed by the four of us, Clifford’s lawyer signs then, then takes the documents to make copies. One for him, one for us, and one for Miss. Miller.

*1 will have these filed with the city tomorrow morning. Then, when it goes through, I will let you know when you can start Tonstruction. Clifford’s lawyer says as he hands each copy to the designated party.

Aaron looks down at his phone to confirm that the wire transfer is complete. “The money is now in your account Mr. Montgomery.”

“Can I ask you a question before we leave?” I ask Clifford,


“When we finish construction, and are ready to open the doors. Would you come to the opening ceremony?”

I can tell that request surprises him by the way his eyebrows raise. A slow smile spreads across his face before he nods in response. We all stand, then I reach out to shake his hand.“haron does the same after I step back. Erikka gives Clifford a polite kiss on the cheek, then she

leads the way out of the house,

Once we are outside, I glance down at my phone before I get in the driver’s seat. I have a message from Annora. We are having a guest over for dinner tonight, is all it says. Who would she have invited for dinner?

I have already met her parents. None of her brothers live in California. The only person I can think of that I haven’t already met would be her best friend, Shawna. From what Annora has told me about her, she is also a veteran. This could be an opportunity to meet someone From Annora’s life that has been there to support her.

After we drop Miss. Miller back at her car, Aaron and I head back to the office. A bad feeling settles over me when I enter our building. The head of security is standing at the desk, waiting for me. Edward usually always has a smile on his face. He is just a cheerful guy. The fact that he is scowling now makes me angry at whoever or whatever caused it.

“What’s going on Edward?”

“You had a visitor this morning. The woman you warned us about.”

Goddamnit. Why can’t she just leave me the fuck alone? If the police delivered the new parameters of the restraining order this morning. that could have prompted her visit. That is another violation.

“Did you call the police?”

“I stated to, but she said it was unnecessary, handed me a package for you, then left.”

Edward walks behind the front desk where two other security guards and two receptionists are sitting. He reaches out and grabs a manilla envelope, then holds it out to me. I don’t want whatever is in it. I eyeball it like it is a bomb ready to explode at any moment.

The frown leaves Edward’s face as I look at the envelope in his hand. “It isn’t a bomb, but there is something metal inside. Whatever it is, it is sm


Reluctantly, I reach out to take it from him. Aaron steps up next to me as I do. He looks at the envelope exactly the same way I did. On front, written in Dionne’s flowing handwriting, is my name. The little red heart drawn under my name makes me shake my head. She would do that on notes that she left for me in the past.

I thought it was sweet back then, but now I find this entire situation annoying.

“What is that?” Aaron asks.

I give Edward a nod before walking to the elevator. Aaron follows behind me. I wait until the elevator doors close before I answer him.

“Dionne came by here this morning. She left this.”

Wow, that woman just won’t stop. What do you think is in it?*noveldrama

tilt the envelope from one side to the other to feel the weight of whatever is inside. It is small and lightweight. So, without hesitation, 1 rip it open and reach inside. My fingers connect with the cold metal of what feels like a key. I pull it and the scrap of paper out of the


The key looks like a door key. I am sure it is the key to her house or apartment. Unfolding the scrap of paper, I find an address written on it. Under the address is a message.

Meet me here tomorrow morning at eleven. There is something you need to know. If you don’t show, I will be forced to take matters into my own hands to make your talk to me.

I hand the note to Aaron, then clench my hand around the key. This woman is not making this easy. For two years she has been calling me only to hang up when I answer. In all that time, she could have told me whatever it is she needs me to know. There is nothing she can say that will make me change my mind about her.

Annora and Grace are my future. Dionne Master was my past and will remain that way. I hate that woman and everything she did to me. One thing I know is that I have to tell Annora about this package and the one before it. 1

y to use w what she assumes Annora doesn’t

Knowing Dionne, if I don’t meet with her, she will try to ambush Annora again. She will try know. To avoid that, I have to be open and honest about what is going on.

Later that night or Qulon’s

The aromas that hit my senses when I open my penthouse door make my mouth water. The sound of male laughter makes me frown as I put my briefcase on the hall table. Who the hell is that? Grace’s giggles help me relax.

If my daughter knows who that man, then it can’t be bad. I follow the sound of laugher and jazz music into the kitchen. Until recently, there has only ever been one woman to cook in my kitchen. Tori picked out everything in my kitchen for me when I moved in. I rarely cook, not that I don’t know how, I just don’t have the time.


Annora is at the stove stirring something in a large pan. From the aromas I smell, I am pretty sure it is marinara sauce, Grace is sitting at the island counter next with her back to the doorway. There is a man leaning against the end of the island counter looking at Annora.

From his side profile, his auburn hair a shade darker than Annora’s, my best guess is this is one of her brothers that wasn’t there the summer we met. It is either Max or Eric. There were pictures of them at in her grandparents‘ house, but that was twelve years ago.

Whoever he is, he is the first to notice me standing against the glass wall that separates the kitchen from the rest of the living room area He stands up straight, which causes Grace to look over her shoulder. Her eyes light up when she sees me, and she hops off the stool to come greet me with a hug.

“Daddy, Uncle Max is here to have dinner with us.”

Grace wraps her arms around my waist in a hug, then races back to her seat. So, this is the oldest brother, Max. Annora turns around from the stove to look at me. She has a smile on her face that just lights up the room, I am not sure who that smile is for. Me or the fact that her brother is here.

When she puts the wooden spoon that she was stirring the sauce with on a plate next to the stove and walks to per, I know the smile is for me. I feel bad that I even had to ask. Jealousy has never been something I have dealt with before. Maybe I am feeling it now because I have to share my time with Annora and Grace with someone else tonight.

Annora leans up on her toes and I meet her halfway to kiss her. Ecan feel Max’s eyes on us as we kiss. It is like he is looking for something in the way we interact with each other. When Annora rests back on her feet again, she turns to look at him. Something passes between them and Max nods his head.

Max walks towards us, then holds his hand out for me to shake. “So, you are the man who stole my sister’s heart when she was only eighteen. It is nice to finally put a face to the name. You are not quite how I pictured you.”

“Give me a few minutes to change out of my work clothes. Then we can sit down to get to know each other.”

Max nods his head, then walks back to where he was before. Annora fullows me out of the kitchen as I walk to the stairs. I can feel her

nervousness as I stop at the stairs.

“Are you ok with this? I didn’t really as

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