He was her brother. And to keep that happiness shining on her brother’s face, she would have to make a deal with the devil. And Scott McCall was close enough.

It wasn’t difficult to locate him in the crowded room. She found him and gave him a small nod, and he returned it. Exhaling, she turned her attention to the glass of red wine she’d barely touched throughout dinner. Now it, and about four more, seemed like a fabulous idea.

She would need all the courage she could get.


“Can we get this thing started, please?” Jennifer asked Scott with a frown on her face as she set the glass on the small table and sat down on the chair. She rubbed her bare arms, and the sign of nerves pricked a conscience he’d believed to be impervious. “I’m sure you’ve already guessed that I’m going to agree to your ridiculous plan. Or let’s just call it what it is. Extortion.”

“You have a choice, Miss Bennet,” he reminded her, sipping his bourbon.

“Yes,” she agreed, bitterness coating the word. “Sacrifice myself or my brother to the beast. That’s a hell of a choice.”

He shrugged. “But one, nonetheless.”

“You’re not really this cold and unfeeling. I know you’re not,” she whispered, her gaze roaming his face as if trying to peer beneath the mask he chose to let her see. “You’re really not this mean… and wicked.”

“If you need to make up an idea of who I am in order to fulfill the pretense of falling in love with me, then go ahead. Whatever will allow you to deliver an award-winning performance for your brother and everyone else watching.” Scott replied carelessly.

She didn’t understand. This wasn’t about her; it was about another woman-his sister. And that bastard who’d abused her heart and shattered her mental state. An eye for an eye. A sister for a sister.

But he couldn’t admit any of that to her. Not when he knew that she would no doubt run back and tell Bruce everything.

“You’re forgetting I know the secret about your job. And I don’t mean that joke of a title at Bennet Inc. I would be a fool to underestimate you, Jennifer.”

She pivoted and something flashed in her eyes, but before he could decipher it, she briefly closed them and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Can we just get this over with?” she asked, weariness coating her voice. “Tell me what you need from me so you won’t burn my brother’s world to the ground.”noveldrama

“Like I told you at the restaurant. You and I will pretend to be a couple. A real couple, Jennifer. Which means convincing everyone that we’re hopelessly in love.” He couldn’t prevent the bitter smile from curving his mouth. “I read that you took several drama classes in college. Time to dust off those old skills and bring them out of retirement. I’ll require you to attend some events and dinners with me, and the same for you. The first time you try to twist out of this arrangement, it’s off, and your brother’s dirty dealings become public.”

This time he clearly interpreted the emotion turning her gaze more green than brown. Anger. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll hold up my end of the bargain. But I won’t carry this lie on indefinitely. You have a time limit of six months. That’s all I’ll agree to.”

Six months would be more than enough time to carry out all he had planned, Scott thought. “Fine.” he agreed.

“And at the conclusion, you promise to destroy the report and all copies of it.” She added.

Scott nodded again, although he had no intention of doing that. Only a fool would reveal his hand. Did he feel a twinge of guilt for deceiving her? Yes, it didn’t sit well. But he’d meant what he’d told his mother. His number one goal was to prevent Bruce Bennet from ever hurting another woman as he’d hurt Sara. This arrangement with Jennifer was only one part of his plan.

“Okay, then.” Jennifer inhaled a breath and tilted her chin up at a haughty angle, every inch the socialite. “One more thing. I’m not a whore. We might have to pretend affection for each other, but I won’t have sex with you.”

Scott rolled his eyes. “Relax, Jennifer” he said, “You don’t have to worry about that because I have no intention of having sex with you. But you need to understand one thing, Miss Bennet, and come to terms with it.” He moved forward. “I’m not the other men you might have had dancing to your tune. For the next six months, you’re mine. And while you might not be in my bed,” he said, “you’ll act like you are. Which means you’ll pretend to desire my touch, my hands on you. You’ll behave as if you crave what I, and only I, can give you. Pleasure. Passion. A hunger so deep you don’t know how you ever existed without me to take care of it for you. So, even if you loathe me, I don’t care, but those eyes better convince everyone that I’m yours. And you’re mine. Got it?”

She wrenched away from him, stumbling back. His words might have sounded a bit romantic to someone who overheard them, but the anger in his voice and eyes told her that there was no feeling or attraction towards her in any way.

“Fine,” Jennifer replied, tugging her shoulders back, and her stubborn chin went up again. “And for the record. I belong to me. Not my brother. Not Bennet Inc. And definitely not you.”

She stood up angrily and spun around. Snatching up her coat, which he’d laid over the back of the chair when they’d entered the small shop, and strode out without saying goodbye. He didn’t deserve it.

Scott sat there, staring at the closed door, and a small smile played on his lips. Whether she realized it or not, she’d just issued a challenge. Accepted it in fact.

And he more than looked forward to winning.


Vivian got into the elevator with her handbag strapped on her shoulder and a box of cupcakes she’d bought from the cheesecake shop the previous night.

She was really nervous about seeing Scott after their little incident in her office last Friday. She had asked herself so many questions during the weekend that at some point, she thought her head was going to explode. Just what was it about this man that made it so difficult to get him out of her head.

That near kiss!

If Michael hadn’t walked in when he did, would he have gone through with it and kissed her. Would she have let him kiss her? She already knew the answer to that question and she didn’t like it.

Thankfully, Michael had not noticed anything. At least she thought he hadn’t because apart from asking her if everything was alright, he didn’t ask anymore questions about Scott and she was grateful for that.

Speaking of Michael, she planned to avoid him at the office too. After the party, he’d driven her home and attempted to kiss her. She had declined politely, telling him that she wasn’t ready for a relationship with anyone. Truthfully, she didn’t see him as more than a friend, but she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Now she had two men she was trying to avoid at the office…

She got out of the elevator, and hurried towards her office, but she was stopped by Betty.

“Hello!” Betty greeted cheerfully, “What you got there, Sanchez?”

“Good morning, Betty” Vivian replied. She looked down at her hands and realized that Betty was referring to the box. “Just something for Mr McCall. Michael and I ran into him before we came to the party and he asked for… you know what, I will talk to you later.”

Without waiting for Betty’s reply, she rushed to her office. Jeez… now she kinda regretted bringing the cupcakes. She was sure Scott didn’t even really want a cake slice, but she’d gone out of her way to get him cupcakes. It looked like she was trying too hard to get his attention, and maybe she was… she didn’t even trust herself anymore.

But the cupcakes were already here anyway. All she had to do was hand it over and expect nothing. Scott hadn’t arrived at the office yet, so she had some time to get herself together.

She settled in her chair, turned on her laptop and tired to get some work done, but her eyes kept drifting to the box on her desk. An hour later, she couldn’t take the distraction any more, so she stood, grabbed the box and headed for Scott’s office.

He was sitting behind his desk, wearing another designer suit and looking as handsome as ever.

“Good morning, Mr McCall” she greeted as she walked in.

“Good morning, Miss Sanchez” Scott replied, and stared at her with that gaze of his that always made her feel like he was burning away her clothes.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.