Healing The Ruthless Alpha

Healing The 80

Healing The 80

Healing The Ruthless Alpha

Sihana’s POV


Cahir helped me get dressed in one of his old shirts and then he excused himself for a bath. I slept off before he returned. I didn’t know how long I slept but sometime during the night, he crawled into bed beside me and my body gravitated to his in an instant. He said something but I was too far gone to make sense of his words although my lips moved to mumble a reply.

When I slept this time, there was no wolf pouncing on me and forcing me to play. I didn’t dream of anything at first but the darkness of sleep soon morphed into something else, first a bright light, and then I saw myself. In the dream. I was a thief. It was like an out–of–body experience as I stretched out my hands and various things flew into them.

“What kind of nasty dream is this? I heard the voice of my wolf but I couldn’t tell if it was part of the dream or if Asena really spoke then. I didn’t have time to answer her, however, as I was focused on taking people’s things and running. Surprisingly, I ran faster than humanely possible.

This is the most bizarre dream I’ve ever had, I said to myself, watching as I ran with the speed of light but then my soles caught on fire. Rather than stop running, I ran faster and the fire spread.

“You’re burning up again,” I heard a low murmur from outside the dream but I couldn’t respond. “Sibana.” A low whisper caressed my skin. I adjusted myself but the dream was getting even more bizarre. The fire from my sole had spread to my hands. “Stop thrashing I felt something cool on my skin outside the dream.

This is too ridiculous, I grumbled, trying to get myself to wake up but I couldn’t drag myself out of the dream. Dream me stopped running from those chasing her but instead ran back to them and when she raised her hand, a burst of fire exploded on the poor people she’d stolen from.

*Sihana!” I jolted out of my dream state at that exclamation, thrashing around in bed.

“W–What-“My fever was either making me see crazy things or I was on fire. “What!” I shouted, jumping out of the bed with sizzling sheets. Before I could blink water splashed against my skin. Cahir dumped a bowl of water on me, the same bowl he had been using to wipe my skin when my fever got too high.

It was when I felt the cool sensation of water splashing against my skin that I realized something. Although flames danced around me, nothing on me burnt. noveldrama

“The bed is going to burn!” I exclaimed when Cahir hefted me off my feet and took me to the bathroom.

“Are you thinking of anything other than yourself right now!?” He exclaimed, dropping me and turning the shower on full blast.

“Hey=“I swallowed down the words on the tip of my tongue when the flames around me refused to die out. The cold water raining on me filled me with an onimaginable cold. “The fire on the bed My teeth chattered. “Please –”

He went out for a second, shouted for the butler in a voice that must have woken the entire castle, and then he ran back to me. “Tony will fix it, please, focus on yourself.” With his bare hands, he started to stamp out the spreading fire.

“You’re going to get burnt,” I muttered, grabbing his hand. I didn’t burn, nothing on me burnt, but his hand was already blistering and a part of his pyjama shirt had also charred.


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“Sihana Asena,” he muttered with a quivering voice, pushing my wet hair away from my face. “Let’s focus on you.

You’re the one on fire.”

“I’m not burning.” I opened up my palms to him. He took my hands in his and I shivered from how violently his hands jerked. “Are you – Are you okay?” I looked up at him.

I was still under the water and the fire finally fizzled out but Cahir’s eyes could barely focus. They examined every part of my body as if looking for any part that may be hurt, or a lighter that may have started the fire in the first place.

“No. I am not okay,” he deadpanned. “I am losing my senses. What the he cut himself off when I shivered. “Shit, you’re cold.” He turned off the water and grabbed a towel, drying me. Then he

carried me out of the bathroom despite my protest, changed my clothes and wrapped me in a thick blanket.

The fire had been put out and Tony disappeared before we got out of the bathroom. There was a small charred spot on the bed. The fire had been all around me but thankfully, it didn’t spread as much as I thought it would. With the way Cahir panicked, one would think that the whole house was on fire.

“Is there anything you want to say to me?” His voice was quiet but his Adam’s apple bobbed as he spoke and he continued to drag a hand through his hair.

“Can I see your hand?” I asked but he shook his head.

“No, not that. He denied me access but I shifted closer to him and took his hand.

He let me do as I pleased with a sigh and once again, I marvelled at the vibration I felt on his hand. His fingers quivered and he clenched and unclenched his fist with his hand in mine. He pulled out his left hand from my grip and ran it through his hair.

“Are you hurt?” I didn’t understand why his hands were shaking so badly. He was quick to put out the fire so I didn’t think it would have damaged any nerve,

“Sihana, you’re the one who was on fire minutes ago.” Irritation seeped into his tone and he pulled at his hair again. “I should be asking you that that question. His entire body started to vibrate.


“Cahir –” I grabbed his hands in mine, terrified that he’d been hurt by the way he shivered from head to toe. It was when I took his hand I felt a familiar rush of power. The tiny scar on his knuckle knitted itself back together in a split second as healing mana flowed through me.

“Your mana is back,” he said, eyes wide but body still quivering. “How –”

“It’s not back,” I muttered reproachfully, feeling the rush of power die down as fast as it had come.

“What the hell is happening?” He exclaimed. “I’ve never shit –” He cussed then stood up and started to pace again.

I don’t know.” I looked down at my hands. “It’s as if –” trailed off but he turned to me with sharp eyes.

“It’s as if what?” He demanded, standing still for a minute before he started to pace again, raking his hand through his hair. If he kept this up, he would soon pull out half his hair.

“I can’t explain it but I’m manifesting other gifts.” I looked down at my hands and then opened my mouth to tell the story of the washcloth in the bath. At first, I didn’t tell him because I didn’t want him to worry. Now that I not only manifested telekinesis but also set my bed on fire, I had to come clean.

“Why am I just hearing about this?” He growled, slapping a head against his forehead.


“You’re worried enough as it is.” His pacing made me nervous so I stood. “I didn’t want to worry you any more than you’re already worried.”

“Sia-” He started to call my name but stopped, all but racing to reach me. “You are my mate. If I don’t

worry about you, who will?” He growled. “Do you” His hand on my bicep jerked. “I would die if anything happened to you.”


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