: Chapter 9
“Cammie?” Chase tips his head.
Having his attention on me is overwhelming and incredibly flattering. But he asked a question, and I have yet to answer him.
“I was writing my fic.” Oh my God, I just told him I write fanfic. I never tell anyone.
“Why are you flushed?”
“Let me rephrase that. I was writing high-spice romance,” I say, a little haughtily.
“High-spice romance?” Chase parrots.
“I should have just said I was working on an assignment.” It’s what I should be doing. “Thanks for bringing all of this stuff back for me.” I choose a blueberry muffin and peel off the wrapper so I have something to do with my hands and a place for my eyes to be that isn’t on Chase.
“No problem.” He rounds the bed and drops down beside me.
“This is to share, right?” I’m famished but there’s no way I can eat all of it. Especially not with all the butterflies bopping around in my stomach.
“I had some while I was down at the buffet. You eat what you want, and I’ll clean up the leftovers.”
“I bet you could literally eat all day long and never get full,” I muse.
“It’s a rare hour when I’m not hungry.” He adjusts the pillows. “I want to know more about this spicy romance stuff.”
I pull the hood over my head to hide my face. “It’d be better if you pretend I didn’t say that out loud.”
“Now I definitely need to know more.” He tugs the hood back down and skims my cheek with his fingers. “Are you embarrassed?”
I sigh. “No. Yes. No. You’re going to think I’m weird.”
“You are weird. But I like your weird.”
I side-eye him. “I actually didn’t think you would come back.”
He frowns. “What do you mean?”
I roll my eyes to the ceiling. “I figured you’d find your friends and they’d find more friends and you’d end up hanging out and we’d get called back to the dorms and that would be that.”
He runs a hand through his hair, eyes darting to the side. “Is that what you wanted to happen?” He sounds so…hurt, almost?
“No, but last night, emotions were running pretty high and things happened, and I don’t want you to feel like you have to hang out with me because of that.” This is one of my biggest personal issues. In high school, sometimes I’d be invited to things, but often it was in the hopes that I’d bring my sister along. These days I’m mostly the silent observer no one notices, but I have these moments, like last night and now, where I step out of the box and go with the bluntest honesty ever.
“I’m not hanging out with you because I feel obligated. I’m hanging out with you because I like you. You’re fucking beautiful, you’re cool as shit, you tell it like it is, and you’re a little dirty. Which I’m super down with, by the way. Not that I expect more of what happened last night, but just know my hands are one hundred percent committed to bringing you pleasure whenever you want it.”
“Last night was fun.” I’m not telling him I like him too, even though I do. Every cisgendered female in our dorm is lusting after him, just like me. He needs zero in the way of an ego boost.
“So much fun.” He taps my laptop. “Now back to this spicy romance business. I need to know more about it.”
I sigh. “I write Lord of the Rings fanfic.”
“You mean those movies with the hobbits and stuff?” he asks.
“They were books before they were movies,” I point out.
“Right. Yeah. They’re super long, the books and the movies. I mostly listen to audiobooks when I have to read novels.”
“It’s still reading, just with your ears.” Plus, it can really bring the story to life with the right narrators. And don’t get me started on the immersive graphic audio. That’s a movie in your mind. I turn every hero into Aragorn.
“So back to this fanfic. I want to know more.”
I roll my eyes to the ceiling. Am I really going to admit this? “I write Arwen, Legolas, and Aragorn stories.”
“I don’t know what that means,” Chase says.
“Where the three of them end up together.”
“Together as in…”
“Bed. Or wherever, but they get naked with each other.”
Chase blinks at me. “Like a threesome?”
“Yeah.” I wait for him to start laughing.
“One girl, two guys?” he clarifies.
His brows pull together and his gaze narrows. “Is that like…a thing for you?”
I can’t figure out his expression. “In fanfic, yes.”
His eyes narrow further. “What about in real life?”
My brows shoot up. “Uh, I mean, I guess if Aragorn and Legolas were real people I would jump into that scenario, but mostly I don’t like my attention on more than one person at a time.”
His shoulders come down from his ears. “Okay, good. That’s good.”
I shove his shoulder. “Oh my God. Were you jealous for a hot second?”
“Pfft. No.” He runs his hand through his hair and side-eyes me. “Yeah, actually.”
“You really do like me.” I’m mystified as to how this happened, but also my ego is really enjoying this. Chase Lovett, who should be way out of my league, is into me.
“Yeah. I told you that.” He rests his head on my knee. “Can I read some of your threesome fanfic?”
“It’s really smutty.”
“I love smutty.”
“You can’t laugh.”
“I promise not to laugh.” He crosses his heart and gives me puppy-dog eyes.
I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’ve mentioned in passing to my real-life university friend Tally that I write fanfic, but she doesn’t know my pen name, or what kind I write. Yet here I am, showing this guy who fingerbanged me, my private, dirty thoughts. I flip open my laptop and scroll to the top of the page.
I set the scene for him. “Legolas and Arwen just returned from a quest to get supplies, and Aragorn is waiting for them with a hot bath.”
“Cool.” Chase scoots closer so his upper body is pressed against my crossed leg. He props his cheek on his fist. His lips move while he reads, but he doesn’t make any sound, eyes darting back and forth.
When he reaches the bottom of the page, he scrolls up. “I thought you said this was like word porn. There’s like an actual story and stakes.”
My cheeks are on fire. “Well yeah, it can’t be all smut, all the time. But most chapters start out with some light plot and then get to the fun stuff.”
“Got it. This is really good. Like I don’t read much aside from my textbooks, and the occasional audiobook, but the descriptions are great, and I feel like I’m in their house with them.”
“Yeah. Really.” He smiles up at me. “Now stop talking, I want to know what happens next.”
He keeps scrolling and reading, his lips moving, eyebrows popping every so often. When his face starts to turn red, I can tell he’s getting to the bath scene. “Damn,” he mutters, scrolling so quickly he has to backtrack. “This is fucking hot, Cammie.”
“Thanks.” I pull the neck of my hoodie up to my eyeballs, so I can read along with him, but also so I can hide.
“Oh yeah, that’s…” He shifts around. “‘My hands follow the soapy water as it cascades over her luscious bare breasts. Legolas covers one stiff peak with his full lips, as his other hand dips below the water.’”
I slap a palm over Chase’s mouth. “Do not read aloud.”
He mumbles something from behind my palm.
I drop my hand and give him my best annoyed face.
He blinks up at me with wide, imploring eyes. “Will you read it to me?”
“No. That’s—I’m not reading it to you.”
“Pretty please? I’ll do anything you want. Literally anything. Strip naked and run down the hall. Wear a tutu to class. Sing in the middle of the quad.”
I bite back a smile. “Read it silently or you don’t read at all. Those are your options.”
“Fine.” He sighs, but he goes back to scrolling while I eat the yogurt parfait he brought me.
When he reaches the end, he frowns. “Where’s the next chapter?”
“I was just starting it when you came back with breakfast.” I lick the spoon clean and set the empty container aside.
Chase sits up, eyes wide. “But I want to know what happens next! They get out of the bath and towel Arwen off and then what?”
“I think it’s pretty obvious what happens next.” It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that they end up in bed.
“Yeah, but I want to read about it. You should keep writing.” He tries to move my hands to the keyboard.
“I can’t write with you reading over my shoulder.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s weird.”
He arches a brow.
I arch one back.
“Fine, why don’t you tell me what’s supposed to happen next instead.” He props his elbows on his knees and rests his chin on them.
“They take it to the bedroom and fuck,” I deadpan.
He gives me an unimpressed look. “What about the foreplay? There must be foreplay. All they did was soap each other up in the bath.” He backtracks. “Which was hot for sure, but what about the fingerbangs and handies?”
I roll my eyes. “Obviously that’s part of what happens next.”noveldrama
“What else is part of what happens next?”
“Probably some oral,” I mutter.
“Do Legolas and Aragorn take turns eating Arwen out?” Chase tries to surreptitiously move his dick around in his pants. His eyes are lit up with excitement and lust. “Does Arwen blow them while they tongue-fuck her?”
“Sure.” The scene has been playing out in my head for a week, I just haven’t had time to put it down.
“Come on, Cammie. I need details. What about positions? Whose face does Arwen sit on first? This guy needs to know.” He pokes himself in the chest.
“Aragorn’s face. She would sit on his face first.”
“Because he didn’t get to go on the quest and he’s missed her precious the most while Legolas didn’t have to share her for however long they were gone,” Chase muses.
“Basically, yeah.”
“But where’s Legolas? Is he feeling left out?” Chase seems legitimately concerned about Legolas’s whereabouts.
“He’s on the bed, too.” In my head, I picture Chase stretched out on the very bed we’re sitting on, naked, with Arwen’s (my) knees on either side of his head, in position for a sixty-niner, but with a lighter-haired Chase number two straddling Chase number one’s thighs, so Arwen (I) has easy access to both of their cocks.
“I have an idea,” Chase says.
I bite the inside of my cheek.
“Now you can tell me to fuck the hell off if you want, but what if we acted out the scene? For research purposes, minus Legolas, because it’s just you and me.” His tongue drags across his bottom lip.
“You want to eat me out?” Based on the tingles below the waist, my pussy really likes this idea.
“I’d fucking love to eat you out.” He nods vigorously. “Like so much.”
“And you’d also like me to blow you, while you tongue-fuck me.” Obviously I need to clarify the parameters.
“Only if you want to reciprocate.” He swallows thickly and nods once. “But yes, please.”
I’ve never sixty-nined before, so this will be something new for me. “Okay.”
“Seriously?” He seems shocked.
I shrug, trying to act nonchalant when really I’m freaking out. Chase Lovett wants to put his face between my legs. It’s like two bucket list items at the same time. “Yeah. Why not?”
He hops off the bed. “Let me just move all this stuff.” He grabs the tray of food.
“I need a minute to freshen up.”
“Sure. You go ahead. I’ll manage this stuff.” He sets the food on the coffee table and moves my laptop to the desk on the other side of the room.
I disappear into the bathroom and lock the door. I wish I had my phone so I could text Tally about this. Or even my sister? No. Not my sister. Knowing her, she’d fight her way through the apocalypse outside to throw me a fucking party.
I grip the countertop and stare at my reflection in the mirror. “You can put Chase Lovett’s huge penis in your mouth while he licks your pussy.” She clenches at her mention. “Channel your inner dirty Arwen, Cammie. You can do this.”
I wet a washcloth and soap it up, giving my important parts a little bath, then brush my teeth and hair before I leave the safety of the bathroom. Chase is standing in the middle of the room in only his boxer briefs. He really is a glorious specimen of man-boy. He meets me in the middle of the room.
He lifts his hand and his fingers trail gently down my cheek. “If you change your mind at any time, Cammie, just tell me and we’ll stop, okay?”
“Okay.” I settle my palms on his broad chest and slide them over his shoulders, linking my fingers behind his neck.
“Can I kiss you now?”
“On my face lips?”
He grins. “Seems like the most reasonable place to start.”
“Okay, then.”
I tip my chin up and close my eyes as he tips his down. I’m so nervous, and excited. I can’t believe I get to experience this first with the literal guy of my dreams.
His lips brush over mine, softly, sweetly. One hand slides into my hair, cupping the back of my head, his other winds around my waist, pulling me against him. He’s all hard lines and tight muscles and smooth skin. And the way he kisses me, like I’m something to be savored, makes my knees weak.
Eventually he pulls back, takes my hand, and guides me to the end of the bed. He fingers the sleeve that reaches my elbow. “Can I take some of this stuff off?”
“Probably a good idea.”
He carefully removes my shirt, brushing my hair over my shoulder after he drops it on the floor. I’m so thankful I didn’t wear a bra last night. His eyes lock on my boobs and he makes a deep sound in the back of his throat.
Chase drops to his knees. He’s an exceptionally tall guy, and I’m slightly below average height so his face is almost at boob level.
He tips his head back to look at me. “Can I touch your tatas?”
“Only if you never call them tatas again.”
“Never again.” He inhales deeply and raises his hands but stops just shy of cupping my breasts. He touches his cheek first. “Temperature check. Cold hands are the worst.”
“That’s the truth.”
He gently curves his huge palms around them. Then he does that thing that guys always seem compelled to do. He jiggles them a little and follows it up by brushing his thumbs over my nipples. “Fuck, your tits.”
“It’s probably more gratifying for you than me.”
His eyes shoot to mine. “I didn’t mean that literally, just that they’re amazing.”
“Thanks. I’m pretty attached to them.” Why am I making bad jokes when he’s holding my boobs and saying nice things about them?
His tongue drags across his bottom lip. “Can I kiss them?”
“Sure. Go ahead.”
“Thanks.” He kisses the swell first, eyes still on my face. And then he gently brushes his lips back and forth over the tight peak.
I run my fingers through his hair, enthralled and completely overwhelmed by how incredible it is to have this giant, hot hockey player on his knees in front of me, being gentle when his job on the ice is the opposite. His eyes flutter shut, and his tongue peeks out to tease the peak before his lips close over it. Warm, and wet, and soft.
All my needy body parts respond, my stomach tightening, heat flooding my center. Chase devotes the same attention to the other nipple. And then he pushes to his feet, hands sliding around to cup my ass as he lifts me off the floor like I weigh nothing.
I shriek and grip his shoulders as he spins around and lays me on the bed, then shifts to the right, turning us on our sides.
“That was exceptionally graceful,” I note.
“Thanks.” He kisses me again, hand still on my boob. It moves down my stomach, and he pops the button on my jeans. “This is still okay?”
“Definitely. Yes. No pants will make eating me out a lot easier.”
“Truth.” He drags the zipper down.
I get impatient and shove my pants and underwear over my hips, gracelessly kicking them off. Chase’s hand trails down my stomach. He doesn’t immediately go for the hot button and rub it like he’s expecting a genie to appear. Instead, he slides his hand between my thighs and cups me. “I’m so fucking excited to get real personal with your precious.”
I laugh and he smiles.
“Should we try out the scene you were writing? For research purposes, of course.” His eyes are alight with carnal desire.
“Sure. Yeah. Okay.” This is actually happening. I’m going to sit on Chase’s face. On purpose.
He rolls onto his back and shoves his boxers down his muscular thighs. They’re ridiculous. His erection springs free, bobbing once before it smacks against his stomach.
He lies on his back and adjusts the pillow, then beckons me closer. “Bring that precious over here.”
“You don’t have to keep calling it that.”
“Yeah, I do. It’s part of the scene. Bring it hither.”
“Please never say hither again.”
“For the love of God, Cammie, put a desperate man out of his fucking misery, and sit on my face.”
Well, when he puts it that way… “Sir, yes, sir.” I straddle his head, feeling all kinds of exceptionally awkward as I try to keep my balance and not accidentally suffocate him with my vagina.
I brace my weight on one hand and grip his erection in my other. He groans and kneads my ass. Then gives the right cheek a smack.
I startle and look down at him through my spread legs. His eyes are wide.
“Sorry. So sorry. Just…your ass is great, and I didn’t think.”
“It’s okay.”
He bites the back of my thigh, not hard, but enough to stoke the fire working its way through my body. I give his cock a few gentle strokes. I remind myself that I can fit an entire popsicle in my mouth, and this isn’t massively different apart from girth.
I start by kissing the tip. Chase wriggles around under me and tries to pull my vagina closer to his face. When he strokes me with his tongue, my bracing arm almost gives out. I give the head of his cock the ice cream cone treatment, but then something presses against my opening and his tongue finds my clit and I moan.
Chase makes an approving noise and keeps up with the licking. I try to bob on his erection, but mostly I’m just holding it in my mouth and moaning. And then I feel something press against the back door.
I pop off. “Chase?”
“Okay, so I think in theory this is a fun position, but I feel like it requires a lot of multitasking and I’m not great at that, so maybe I can just focus on you for a while and you can focus on me later, if you want to,” Chase says.
I roll off him and am so thankful I don’t knee him in the face. “Or I could focus on you now.”
He narrows his eyes and shakes his head. “You come first.”
He’s a rare gem. “If you insist.”
“I do.” He sits up in a rush, grabs me by the waist, and flips me onto my back. And then he peppers kisses down my body. His gaze lifts as he settles between my thighs, shoulders nudging them wider. He turns his head and presses his lips to the inside of my thigh. “This is so much better.” He moves to the inside of the other thigh and drops wet kisses all over my sex before he finally licks a path from my entrance to my clit.
“So fucking good,” he mumbles against my hot skin.
We both groan, and I bite my lip and slap a hand over my mouth.
“Oh, hell no.” Chase grabs my hand and pulls it away from my face. “Those moans are mine and I want to hear every last one of them.”
He dives back in, alternating soft strokes of tongue with toe-curling suction. I slide my hands into his hair and adjust the pillow so I can watch. I still can’t believe he’s eating me out. Deep, primal growls and groans hum across my clit every time I sigh or moan or whimper, which I do often because oh my God, his mouth is magical. I wish this experience could last forever. I roll my hips as sensation builds and spirals.
“I’m so close,” I mutter, just in case his tongue is getting tired and he needs some encouragement to keep going.
He adjusts his position, cheek resting against the inside of my thigh as he slides two fingers inside me and curls. It sends me careening into sensation overload. I moan his name, and my legs shake violently as everything below the waist clenches. Waves of pleasure wash over me, and a blanket of sheer bliss consumes me.
He keeps lapping at me until I pull roughly on his hair. “Too sensitive. Precious needs a break.”
He lifts his head and swipes at his mouth with the back of his hand. “Did I do good?”
“So good. Better than good. You win the MVPL award for Most Valuable Pussy Licker.”
He prowls up my body, dropping kisses as he goes, pausing to say hi to my sensitive nipples on the way. “I’d wear that shirt.” He brushes his lips over mine.
I can smell myself all over his face and I kind of love it. “I’d love to return the favor, but I don’t know if I can move more than my mouth at the moment.”
One eyebrow tips up and his smile is downright devilish. “I could make it easier for you.”
He shifts and straddles my chest, his huge body looming over me as he rises and tucks his knees tightly on either side of my ribs. His impressive erection bobs above me.
Chase gently but firmly slides his fingers into my hair and cups my head in his palms. “I’d like to fuck your mouth, please,” he grinds out.
My vagina clenches all over again at the deliciously dark look on his gorgeous face. “I’d like that, too.”
I part my lips and grip the shaft, helping guide his cock inside my mouth.
“No hands, Cammie.”
I settle them on his thighs, halfway to another orgasm just from that one command. And as promised, Chase absolutely makes it easier for me. He holds my head and fucks my mouth with slow, long strokes that pick up speed as I adjust to his size. All I have to do is slurp and hum and suck and moan.
He warns me that he’s about to come and I grab hold of his rock-solid ass and try—but mostly fail—to deep-throat him.
But I swallow like a champ.
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