: Chapter 12
I return to my dorm. The whole building smells like campfire and dirty wet socks. I disappear to the library and hole myself up there so I can work on my freaking creative writing submission. Unsurprisingly, I get distracted and work on my fanfic instead, finishing up the chapter with the double sixty-niner.
In my story, Arwen sits on Aragorn’s (Chase’s) face while sucking them both off. Then Legolas eats Arwen’s pussy while Aragorn eats her ass before the three of them have filthy sex. Within an hour, I have more than a hundred reviews and readers are begging for more.
That update was hot! How was your night with the hockey player? Is that chapter drawing from real life experience?
It was fun but now we’re back in the dorms.
OMGGGGGGGG. Come on! I need more details than that. I can’t wait until I’m in university next year.
I suggest an off-campus apartment. The whole dorm smells like three-day-old wet socks.
Ew. That sounds awful. But seriously, what happened last night?
I debate how much I want to say over messages. I honestly hope Chase isn’t out there telling his friends about getting a blow job from the residence freak. How humiliating would that be? But O is my best friend. Sure, we’ve never met in real life, but we talk every day. And she’s applying to programs here next year.
We made out and got each other off. It was *chef’s kiss*
I bite my lip after I press send and wait for her reply. I’m not disappointed. A slew of GIFs ranging from shock to fainting to cheerleaders dancing follows.
OMG! You made out with the hockey player! Are you going to hang out again?
I think about how awkward it was with his friends. He has his own life, and I have mine. Last night was fun, and sure I’d love to do it again, but it’s probably better for both of us (namely me) if I treat it like a fever dream. Then I’m less likely to get hurt when I see some other girl hanging off his arm.
I don’t know. It was fun, but probably just a one-time thing.
I don’t love the way that makes my stomach flip in a not-good way.
I spend another hour in the library, working on my creative writing submission for once, and finishing up an assignment for my English class before I return to the dorms. I take the long way to my room to avoid the common area and manage to slip inside my room without running into anyone.
I swear there’s a knock on my door around eleven, just as I’m falling asleep, but then I hear Colby in the hall, telling someone it’s past curfew and people are trying to sleep.
The next morning I’m up and out early. I spend the hours between classes at the library again instead of in my room. It’s helpful for completing assignments. And I make a little more headway on my submission. I also start another chapter of my story, with the three of them traveling to meet with a dwarf contact. They’re gathering information as they work with Sam to save the Shire from Saruman, but now, they’ve stopped for the night. Writing the smutty stuff in a public place feels weird, though, so I save it for later tonight, when I’m alone in my room.
My nerves are at an all-time high as I make my way to biology later that afternoon. All I could manage for lunch was a blueberry muffin. I pull my hood up and slide into a seat in the middle of the lecture theater. I focus on setting up my tablet so I can take notes and avoid searching for the one person I’ve been hiding from but desperately want to see.
A body drops into the seat next to me. I’m hit with a waft of familiar cologne. My nether region drools, my nipples tighten, and a kaleidoscope of butterflies unleashes in my stomach. Chase is sitting beside me. In class.
“Hey.” That single word feels like a caress on bare skin.
I glance at him, mouth going dry as my heart skips a beat and then takes off at a gallop. “Hey.”
His gaze moves over my face, and he swallows thickly before he asks, “Is it cool if I sit here?”
“If you want,” I croak.
“I haven’t seen you around since we got back into the dorms.” It’s mostly an observation, with a hint of accusation.
“I’ve been at the library working on assignments,” I offer weakly.
He arches a brow. “And avoiding me?”
“I didn’t want to make it awkward.” Guess I failed at that.
“I knocked on your door three times yesterday. And left a note on your message board,” Chase says.
“You did?” I was probably so focused on getting into my room without running into anyone, that I didn’t even look at the whiteboard stuck to my door.
“The message is still there. Didn’t you sleep in your room last night?” His jaw tics.
“What’s this?” I poke his cheek.
“What’s what?”
“There’s a muscle jumping in your jaw.”noveldrama
His nostrils flare and he leans in closer, dropping his voice to a whisper and brushing his lips on the shell of my ear. “I like you. I missed you.” I feel him take a deep breath before continuing. “And the idea of someone else touching your precious when I want it to be mine makes me unhappy.”
I lean back so I can see his face. He looks serious. I can’t believe we’re having this conversation in the middle of a lecture theater that’s quickly filling with students. “Why would you automatically assume if I didn’t sleep in my bed I slept in someone else’s and allowed them access to my body? I’m not the Hookup Champion between the two of us.”
“I don’t know. But I didn’t see you at all yesterday and I didn’t like it, and I also didn’t get a chance to get your phone number and I’ve spent the last twenty-four hours in worst-case scenario-ville,” he admits.
Brody drops into the seat next to him. His hood is pulled up to conceal his face. Looks like we’re both hiding from the world, but probably for very different reasons.
“Hey, Cammie. Hey, Chase.” He waves and starts pulling things out of his backpack.
“Hey,” we say in unison.
Another large guy sits down who I presume must also be on the school hockey team based on his size and haircut—most of these guys sport a slightly shaggy mop covered with a Tilton University or Terror ball cap. Except for Brody. He usually sports a plain black one.
He greets Brody and Chase, then leans forward to give me a two-finger wave. “You must be Cammie.”
Chase’s head whips around in his direction. “Dude.”
Brody stifles a snicker.
“What? This is the girl you were talking about at the gym earlier, right? The edgy one you can fit in your pocket?”
Chase called me edgy? And that he could fit me in his pocket? Both are true, I guess. My wardrobe is fairly monochromatic and next to him I’m pretty darn small. But what else did he say about me?
“I’m Mac. I play defense for the Blaze. Chase couldn’t stop talking about you through our entire workout. I get it, you’re cute.” He winks.
“I will end you if you keep it up,” Chase growls.
My entire body likes that sound.
I lean into Chase and extend my hand. It means my boob is pressed against his forearm and my cheek brushes his chest. Brody leans back, smirk firmly in place as Mac’s grin widens. He takes my small hand in his giant mitt and gives it a light shake. “I’m Cammie, the pocket-sized edgy girl Chase apparently couldn’t stop talking about. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Cammie.” Mac is ridiculously flirty. Everything about him screams one-night stand.
“Don’t use that tone with Cammie,” Chase grumbles.
Mac gives him a two-finger salute. “Sir, yes, sir.” He winks at me again and leans back in his seat.
The professor takes her place at the front of the lecture hall, ending any further conversation. It’s hard to focus on her with Chase sitting beside me. He rests his knee against mine and leans into my space to look at my notes every few minutes. He smells divine and it takes literally every ounce of resolve not to reach out and trace the thick veins on the back of his hand.
After class, Mac throws out a blanket invitation to go to the campus pub.
“Who will be there?” Brody asks.
“A few of the guys from the team.” He adjusts his ball cap. “And probably those girls from your dorm, Barbie and what’s her name?”
“Annabelle,” Brody supplies.
“Yeah. That’s right.”
“I’ve got a chemistry assignment I need to tackle, but thanks,” Brody says. “I’m going to hit the library so I can grab a couple of research books, but I’ll catch you all later.”
Mac turns to Chase. “You’re going to bail too, aren’t you? Don’t make me ask Gage to come with me.”
“Oh yeah. Definitely bailing. Have fun.”
“You suck.” He fires the bird at Chase, then turns his megawatt smile on me. “You want to ditch him and come with me?”
“It’s a tempting offer, but I’m good, thanks,” I deadpan and hug Chase’s well-developed biceps.
“That was a test, and you passed. I like this one.” He claps Chase on the back and ambles off. He doesn’t make it ten feet before he’s accosted by a group of girls.
“He flirts with literally everyone.”
“Yeah. I gathered that.”
“I’ve never seen him hook up with someone though.”
“Wait, seriously? Not even kiss anyone?” It’s hard to believe, but I guess you can’t always judge a book by its cover, or its flirtiness.
“Nope. Not even a peck.” Chase looks at me. “You heading back to res?”
“Yeah. I have a night class but I’m stopping by my room first. How about you?”
He nods, gaze moving over my face as he tucks his finger under my backpack strap. “I can carry this for you.”
“I have a black belt; I can handle a backpack.”
“I know. But I’d like to carry your books for you, all nineteen-fifties-style chivalrous like.”
I tip my head. “Is this to make up for the unchivalrous face fuck on the hotel bed?”
His eyes flare.
“Which I loved, by the way,” I tack on, in case he thinks otherwise. I’m pretty sure all my moaning and humming and generally pleased noises should have tipped him off to that fact already.
“Yes. No. Yes. I loved that too, so fucking much. But we shouldn’t talk about it right now or I’ll need to use your backpack or maybe even your body as a shield because it’s making things happen in my pants.” Chase half-groans that statement as his eyes heat.
I lick my lips and glance down at his crotch.
“Don’t do that; he’ll know you’re looking and embarrass me,” he whispers.
“We don’t want that.” I hand him my backpack and he falls into step beside me as we make the trek across campus to our residence building. “So you were talking about me to your hockey bros,” I say conversationally. I can’t believe he’s walking me back to res. And carrying my books for me. I feel like I’m in a movie right now.
“I thought you were avoiding me. Which you were, and I wasn’t sure what I’d done wrong or if I could fix it,” he admits. “So I told the guys about you, and Brody mentioned that Barbie and Annabelle, while sometimes helpful in keeping the hard-core fans at bay, can also be super bitches to basically everyone who isn’t a hockey player.”
“They don’t exactly exude warmth.”
“They really don’t. He also mentioned that not everyone is a high-level extrovert like myself, and that sometimes it’s important to check in on my quiet friends to make sure they’re not swimming in a mental lake of terror when they’re put in situations that are outside of their comfort zone,” Chase adds.
“That’s an astute observation.” Brody seems nice.
“Brody is an astute guy,” Chase agrees as he adjusts my backpack straps.
It’s not light. I have three textbooks in there and each one must weigh eight pounds. But he’s a hockey player so he can handle it, I’m sure.
Some guy comes up to Chase to ask him about an upcoming game, and we end up stuck chatting for a couple minutes. Chase keeps looking at me as he talks about the other team. It feels uncomfortable just standing here, while he’s told how well everyone needs to play or risk disappointing the entire campus.
“Is it like that for all of you?” I ask. “You had to be the best of the best in your high school to play here. Is it overwhelming to have everyone put their expectations on you like that?”
“It comes with the territory. We’re all used to being the best. Now most of us are at the same level, with a few standouts.”
“Are you one of the standouts?” I ask out of genuine curiosity.
“I want to be. Brody definitely is. Even as a first year, the potential is there. He has so much natural talent. I think he’ll be even better than his brother at some point, as long as he doesn’t get too in his head about it.”
I nod slowly, absorbing that information. “Do you get in your head about it?”
Chase shrugs. “I think we all do at some point. University is tough. Between classes, practice, workouts, homework, and a social life, it’s hard not to get swept up in all the fun stuff and forget that this is step one of a much bigger goal.”
“To finish a degree and make the pros?” I ask, fascinated.
“Basically, yeah.”
“You’re an interesting guy, Chase.”
“You think so?” The smile that lights up his face makes my heart flutter.
“Definitely.” I’ve never been friends with an athlete before. It’s a lot of responsibility and dedication. They have to function as part of a team and juggle all the same things I do on top of that.
He opens the door to our residence building. Half a dozen people say hi to him while we wait for the elevator. People ask if he’s coming out tonight and he deflects saying he has assignments and early practice. We cram ourselves into the elevator and Chase pulls me into a corner and moves me to stand in front of him, settling a hand on my waist while we ascend.
More people say hi to him and give me curious looks as we walk down the hall to my room.
The note I didn’t notice from yesterday is still on my whiteboard.
Can I please have your number?
I tip my head up and smile, feeling shy. “Yes, you can have my number.”
“Cool.” He pulls out his phone, snaps a quick picture, adds my name, and passes me the device.
I key in my number and hand it back. My phone pings a second later.
I pull it out and show him the text he just sent me. “Got yours now, too.” It’s only five thirty. I don’t have to leave for class for another hour. “Do you want to come in for a bit?”
“Yeah.” Chase nods, then shakes his head. “But no.”
I try not to let the disappointment show on my face, but I’m pretty sure I fail.
“If I come into your room, I’m going to want to do things.”
“Kinda the point.” I wish I had my backpack to hold on to so I don’t fidget.
Chase smiles. “I want to show you I like you more than just a hookup.”
He looks so determined, and I like it. “Okay.”
“So maybe tomorrow morning I can meet you for coffee after my practice?”
“Sure. Yeah. I’d like that.” I think he just asked me on a coffee date.
“Cool. Awesome. That’s great. I’ll text you later.”
He bites his lip and his eyes dart to mine.
“Can I kiss you, though?”
“Yes, please.”
He drops both of our backpacks and nods at someone as they pass. He glances over his shoulder, waiting until they disappear around the corner before his warm palm curves around the side of my neck. I tip my head up as he drops his.
He brushes his lips over mine, then pulls the bottom one between his, sucking softly. We make matching needy sounds as our bodies gravitate closer. We angle our heads at the same time. Our tongues meet and brush against each other. I settle a hand on his biceps and give it a happy little squeeze.
“Lovett, Lovelock, if you do that on the other side of the door, no one has to witness it,” Colby shouts from not very far away.
I free my lips from Chase’s and pull my hood up. Chase’s lips press into a line and he gives Colby the death stare.
“I’m helping you out here, man. Your buddy Gage just snapped a picture. You’re welcome. If you need condoms, you can visit the health center.” He saunters past us, wearing a satisfied grin.
Chase thumbs over his shoulder. “I’m going to go beat up Gage.”
“Good luck.”
“Thanks.” He kisses my cheek and grabs his bag, rushing down the hall as he shouts, “Steele, I’m coming for you!”
I can’t stop smiling. I have so much to tell Tally.
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