Bound In Secrets : A Death Kings Novel

Last Night


I wake up to my face, plastered with drool on JT's arm. That is not attractive. "Mornin', Doll. You are gorgeous," JT says with a soft smile on his handsome face. He either has on rose-colored glass or the man has a few marbles loose in his head. I'm going to go with the latter since he is a Death King. They are not mentally well, including me.

"I hope Riggs doesn't view this as cheating," I groan, moving my yellow and green stands from my face.

"Nah, cher. We all agreed to share, remember?" JT says before his lips brush mine.

His phone pings. He turns over to remove it from the nightstand while climbing over him. "Storm says breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes," he hollers while I'm in the bathroom.

I yell back. "Wake up, Carter, but be nice about it, yeah?"

"I'll be real nice 'bout it, Doll," JT shouts back with a purr that leaves me doubting his words.

I continue with my morning routine of brushing my teeth and hair. While I put my lotion on, I hear Carter cursing JT. "Kass twa, you salop!" I snicker at him, telling JT to fuck off while calling him a whore. "I should change your name from Stripper Bear to Salop Bear," he rants stomping into the bathroom.

"Damn, Capone! What did you do to him?" I question fighting my laughter at them, acting like the boys I knew ten years ago.

"I thought I could help with his morin' wood," he explains with a smirk. "Not my problem he woke up thinkin' I be you."

"That doesn't tell me what you did. Just leaves me with more questions," I tell him.

"There is no such thing as a friendship blow job, you asshole!" Carter snaps, crossing his arm over his chest, and leans against the sink after washing his hands, glaring at JT.

"Sure is, mon amie," JT rebuts, leaning against the doorway.

"You're just like Kage! It's why you both get along so well. You whore yourselves to glean information and then kill them when you're done, since the dead tell no tales,” Carter snarls, and JT's face darkens like thunder. "Yeah. I was a whore, me," JT deadpans. He just clicked off his emotions. I recognize that look all too well. Not only from my family but when I look in the mirror. He walks away.

"You kass couyon! That was uncalled for and you know it. You're just mad because you liked it. Sex is sex. It's animal and primal. There are no gender boundaries with it. Just look at animals! They don't even care about gender. I've seen a stud horse get excited over a gelding they found attractive, so don't even attempt to contradict me on this." I take a deep sigh, shaking my head.

"Think it over, but don't take your self-loathing out on others. He said he was a whore, as in past tense. You might put yourself in his shoes. It should be easy enough for you to do. He could have spit words at you to hurt you and he just walked away. You might contemplate that too," I say and walk into the bedroom to put clothes on.

JT was fully dressed, sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. I mill around the room, putting my clothes on. Once dressed, I sit down beside him, pulling my hair up in a ponytail. "Wanna talk about it?"

He looks at me with regret in his sapphire eyes. "He is right. I did that. I was a whore. It's how I gained information. Tongues become loose when endorphins kick in."

"You keep saying was. What changed?"noveldrama

"We finally got to come home. We get to plant our roots and not have to leave. No more assignments unless they're local," JT says with a hint of joy.

"This is not how I wanted to tell you what I did for my team," he grumbles and then releases a slow, deep, rattling sigh. All the tension is released from his body when I climb into his lap and hold him close.

I grip his face in my hands, forcing his eyes on me. "That's the past. I won't allow you to go back to that life. I don't mind you using seduction to get your way, but don't use your body unless you are with me and the men I call mine." "Who's that?" JT queries curiously.

"You, Carter, Riggs, Storm, and Jensen. The five of you are mine. Four you have always been my boys. Ya'll might wanna get to know Riggs. If haven't gotten into my pants and my heart, I don't think I would have let you guys back in. I was so furious and held onto it for so long."

"And now?"

"The walls came crumbling down like the city of Jericho did. I knew I had to let go of the anger to remember how to be in love."

"I never stopped loving you, Doll. I'm yours. It was your face I'd see at night or when trying to escape what I was doing."

"You are mine," I say and then kiss him.

I break the kiss when I hear Carter open the bathroom door. I look back at him. "You are mine, too." I get off of JT so can lead a fully dressed Carter to sit on the bed beside his best friend.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Sawyer was right, as usual. I know better than the others what it's like for my body to be used. Whatever Razor told me to do, I did. If that meant fucking someone, that's what I did. I'm not used to having the freedom to be with people I care about most. To have sex with those of my choosing instead of who was chosen for me, but only if Razor allowed it," Carter expounds nervously.

"I wouldn't do anything to you that you don't want. You didn't tell me to stop, so how was I to know it would make you mad," JT explains sincerely.

"It felt amazing. That thing you do with your tongue. I'm not sure I want to know where you learned. I enjoyed it and I always thought I was straight, so I was confused. I shouldn't have taken my inner turmoil out on you."

"Brah. You're still straight. Just because you like a blow job doesn't mean you're down taking a cock up your ass or that you are in love with another man. It's just sex and Sawyer told me to wake you up nicely. I've always enjoyed receiving head in the mornings, so I thought I would treat you." JT says with a shrug of his shoulders as if it's no big deal to him.

"If you do it again to anyone, I want to watch next time," I proclaim. "What did her do with his tongue?"

"It's difficult to describe," Carter hedges.

JT winks at us both. "I'll do it to you right now. My philosophy is everyone deserves orgasms in the mornings," he purrs.

"Breakfast!" Storm rumbles from somewhere in my apartment. I guess I didn't lock the door last night, but I could have sworn I did when I went to get the ice. How did he get in?

I dart up, stomping across the floor. When I open the door, I yell, "Storm Diesel Bensen, you better have not broken my door again!"

I look around to find him and Riggs in mid-pause of a plate being handed over. My eyes narrow at them and Storm continues to place it on the bar top, while Riggs returns to cook bacon.

"What happened last night? You what beat the crap out of each other, and now your friends?" I query.

Jensen wraps his arms from behind me and kisses the top of my head. "Good morning, Juliet. How did you sleep?" He questions knowingly.

"Carter and JT fucked my brains out last night, so I slept like a rock," I tease to see how the others would respond.

"La. La. La. Our virgin ears don't need to hear this," Kassius sasses from the couch.

"Virgin? Yeah right. I know better. We've had this discussion. Glove up, sons." The teenage boys groan at Riggs's words while I'm swooning over the fact he called them sons.

I walk over to the couch to find Katie in Ash's lap while he braids her hair. Darius sits between Kassius and AC, schooling them how to play his favorite dungeon version of this pixelated block characters game. Something about crafting, mining, and killing things. I kiss the tops of all their heads.

"Look, you guys are having a good morning. How good are they, Dare?"

"AC follows my directions, so he is great. Kass sucks. He either gets blown up by Creepers or dies in the lava when he isn't killing by going wherever he wants to instead of staying with us," my eight-year-old son explains.

"Wow, sounds like he is even worse than Jeremey," I comment, and Darius agrees.

"Line up for food!" Storm thunders.

Storm and Riggs set up the food on the bar top so everyone could fill their plates and then go sit down somewhere. I'm at a loss because the teenage boys took to making for my children as well as themselves. Tomorrow they will be off to Venin Federation Academy. I'll miss the helpful monsters.

As we sit down to eat, I ask again what happened last night that made Storm and Riggs so chummy. They are even sitting beside one another eating. I'm so curious.

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