Billionaire Sons In Love

Episode 28


“Good night.” I ran from the place I stood with Bella inside the house.

“Can’t believe she is monitoring me, huh.” Unknown to me the call was still reading.

“Why was my heart beating so fast anyway when his call came in.” I said sitting on the floor.

“Why was your heart beating or did you do something wrong, huh?” I heard his voice from my phone, I screamed out in shock, hoping he didn’t hear everything in details.

Grandma yelled saying I’m disturbing her peaceful sleep.

“I thought you ended the call?”

“Not at all, I had to wait moreover I’m the one calling, you even wasted a lot of my airtime, huh.”

“Airtime, fine I will pay for it.” I boasted.

“Wow, she is going to pay, I like getting close to a thousand US dollar airtime, I don’t like going low on-call card.”

I almost passed out hearing the amount, I have never seen or used such money and here is someone using it for call credits, I made a fool of myself by boasting, I can’t pay, oh what will I do?

“So am I getting the money tomorrow?” He asked.

“I’. sorry sir, I don’t have such an amount, please ask for something else as a means to settle this, I promise to do it.” I just pray he doesn’t ask me for sex, Bella’s boss is nice so I believe he will be nice as well.

“You mean you are going to do anything?” He emphasized this question and I gave the same answers sweating.

“Very well, tomorrow by 8 am be ready, I will be there to pick you up”

“8 am, what are you going to do to me if I refuse, hub?” I developed a little boldness.

“I recorded this call, ask about Theo, those who make promises to me must fulfil it just like when a fox promise to help a human, the fire ring is already on our fingers, bye for now.” He ended the call.

“What have I gotten myself into? He’s so crazy? But what if he’s not an ordinary being? Oh gosh, when can I be lucky as Bella?” I yelled, grandma yelled back telling me to go to bed.

He must be joking, 8 am never, I will still be asleep by then, I don’t joke with my sleep, unlike Bella who doesn’t sleep much.




I had a dream, I was in a royal castle so beautiful and made of gold and silver.

A handsome prince walked to me asking me for a dance, I accepted but while dancing I notice it was sir Theo.

I felt a splash of chilled water on my face waking me up from the dream, “Oh damn it, who dares wake me up from my beautiful sleep?” I yelled out only to see sir Theo.

“OMG,” I hide under my old blanket and said, “Sir what are you doing here? Did you mistake my place for yours?”

He removed the blanket and said, “Another thing you should know about Theo is that his 8 am remains 8 am, I hate delay.”

“Who does he think he is anyway, breaking into my home, what if I slept naked? I’m so embarrassed now.” I said mentally and got a knock from him.

“Hey young lady go and freshen up, your grandma is not as lazy as you. She has even had breakfast and one of my boys used my car to drop her at the place she mentioned, so don’t think I broke into your home.” He rushed his words.

“Grandma is so getting it from me when she comes back, letting a stranger into my room and pouring water on my face.” I gave a facial expression saying silently.

“Hey, you think I broke in? Really?”

“Sir Theo, you said you keep to time, I want to bathe please, can you wait outside?”

“Hey, don’t ever call me sir Theo, my name is Theo, I will wait outside, please be fast.” He said smiling.

“Bella is trying, is this how Billionaire sons behave? I will pay him back soon hum.”



I decided to wear a body fitted skirt and a simple blouse along with my only scandals, I treasure this outfit, it was given to me as a present from grandma.

I came out ready to fulfil a promise, the painful thing is that I don’t know what he will make me do.

“I’m all set.” I said to him.

“You took forever, I almost thought you were giving birth in there.” He added.

“I hate him, I so much hate him right now, he’s a bully hum,” I said silently to myself.

“Wow seems you have some wicked plans to present to me, wearing a short skirt revealing your body shape.” He said before coming out to enter his car.

“What? How dare he say indirectly am seducing him? He’s getting it now.”

I screamed his name while rushing to him.


Ever since my first kiss, I got so engaged with more work at the Wilson, I can’t seem to find Kyle home anymore.

I became worried and asked Brenda, she told me Kyle travelled out of the states for urgent meetings with his dad and he will be back the next day.

I got at ease hearing this, I can’t believe I’m missing him so much, it’s like 7 years to me.

I always get home very late that I didn’t have enough time to visit Lisa but I trust she is well with grandma.



I got all set to meet with Mrs Walcott at the restaurant, I became very nervous, “What if she asks me questions I can’t answer, will I lose the opportunity? What about if she doesn’t like me? Oh sweet lord help me out!” I said before leaving.

Arriving at the restaurant, I came earlier so I had to wait patiently upon her arrival.

“You must be Bella,” A soft voice said from behind. Mrs Walcott, I felt this urge to hug her, it was like a dream come true to me, a nobody like me meeting with the richest makeup artist in the country.

“Yes ma, good day ma.” I extended greetings with her showing her more respects.

“Come on sit, you are so free, why haven’t you order food yet? Don’t worry, bills on me, I like treating my son’s friends with care and mostly the ones who love makeup too.” She said giving me a genuine smile.

I felt like I was drowning in happiness, she is so beautiful and nice, not all rich persons are bad.

To be continued.

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