Bedmates Soulmates


'Let's just order in, Austyn said. "You need to rest as well

Kirage him a grateful look

The kids clung to Kira during dinner.

She bathed them, help them get dressed in pyjamas and tucked them in.

she read bedtime stories until the kids gradually drifted off to sleep

Kira gently removed Jennie's fingers around her waist and left the bedroom quietly.

Austyn was standing on the balcony in the living room, an unlit cigarette dangling from the comer of his lips.

His expression was hidden in the shadows.

Kira left him there and went into the bathrooms.

The hot shower washed away her fatigue and fear and soothed her frayed nerves.

Austyn wat still in the same spot after she came out.

She towel dried her hair and went up to him

He'd had a long day well.

She would ask him to get washed up first, then they would have a serious conversation about what happened today.

Kira stopped dead when she heard his voice

Austyn had his back to her, talking on the phone

His voice was low but silll edible in the quiet night.

...time for payback. I've had it with the old man. He's the one who ordered the hit on Kira He's the one behind the incident at the amusement park. The other person on the line said something

"Don't talk to me about evidence! I don't need evidence to know it's him! He's a threat to my family's life. He has to be put down!'

Austyn paused and Extened.

Loca, I'm not asking you to break the bre, i just need you to crach out Kiranched cloNEE.

to his enemies. God knows how many there are..."

Altabitual Llar

...Maybe I'll have another episode of migraine. I'll head to the hospital, Jesse can give me a cher

"No, leave it to me. She's going to find out eventually. I'll do ir tomorrow...

tell her I've got any memory back!

Kira's mouth hung open.

She stared at Austyn's back.

"Bring tabel with you it's probably going to flip out once she finds out the truth. Inned your wide in-

Austyn paused when he sensed a disturbance in the air.

He gripped his phone and turned around slowly.

Kira's eyes were wide open with disbelief.


"Hey, watch your Language!" Luca protested.noveldrama

"Not you. I gotta go."

Austyn hung up and entered the living room.

Kira staggered back. "Stop!"

He went up to her. 'Bira, Team explain."


spun around and ran

Austyn crucht up with her in two long strides.

He drew her into his arms, pinning her in place. "Kira, listen."

'No!' She thrashed violently.

Her fists struck Austyn's shoulders. "Let go of me!"

I'll let go if you calm down."

Austyn sighed. 'I can explain

Kira sucked in a deep breath and forced herself to lower her voice

She didn't want to wake up the kids.

'I don't want to hear anything you have to say. You are a liar!"

The phone call told her everything she needed to know.

Austyn had recovered from his am

She was happy for him.

But why must he keep it a secret from her?

Luca was obviously in the know

Ka, too, probably

Why did Austyn insist on deceiving her?

It was like five years ago all over again.

He said he married her forcharity, but that was a lie.

The truth cost her her father's life.

Why did he always have to lie to be?

Why couldn't he just be straight with her?

Either he thought she was too weak the handle the truth, which would be an insult, or he thought she didn't deserve the truth, which would be just as hurtful. Enraged, Kira struck out blindly and kicked with both legs. Austyn had to keep her from hurting herself and him.

He took her blows on his shoulders and chest without flinching.

Soon, both were parting hand.

Wirastopped, her arms and legs getting tired..

Austyn still had both arms around her. "All right, all right, it's my fault. Vent all you want, but don't hurt yourself"

Kira was breathing heavily

she had no strength lett to yell at himm

Hecarried her to the sofa and sat down with her on his lap.

Heened her in a gentle suke he usually

Kraturned her face awa

yvised with Jennie. 'It's my fault, I know. It's all my fault. I know you are inad, but please allow me a chance to explain."

Her hands were shaking from the adrenaline rush.


I got my memory back after that day at the amusement park. I wanted to tell you, I really did. But I was afraid Henry might find out. You know how crazy he is. The incidents were his way of testing me. If he discovered I'd got my memory back, he would only get worse." Austyn put on the act to buy time

But he'd underestimated how cruel Henry could be.

He used the kids to draw Austyn our

Kirafused to look at Austyn, hiding the tears in her eyes.

He nestled his head on her shoulder.

His voice came out muffled. The fewer people who knew, the better. I didn't even tell my mother about this only told Loca because I needed his help."

Kiragritted her teeth.

So Lucams:

sworthy of his trust, but she wasn'

Sensing her resentment, Austyn softened his voice, placating. 'But I knew I couldn't keep this up for long. You are so smart. You probably already started suspecting me, right?" Kira snorted but said nothing.

Austyn nuzzled her hair. 'it's my fault. I shouldn't have tried to keep this from you. I'm sorry. It's just that you are too honest. I don't think you could have pulled out the deceptive act once you knew."

'But it didn't work, Kira pointed out coldly. He knew, didn't he?!

-Austyn sighed and nodded. He found out today.'

The hatred in Austyn's eyes was a dead givenway.

'So your plan failed!

Kira shuddered as she recalled Henry's fiendish plan

He wanted to use her as bait and pit Austyn and Gideon against each other.

Astyn felt the tremors in her body. "What's wrong?

"I'm cold."

Austyn just realised that her hair was still half-wet.

He grabbed the towel from thesota. 'You cut your hair short.

She used to have long hair.

Now it barely fell past her ears,

'Short hair is more convenient'

She had to divide her time into three parts-work, taking care of the kids, and looking for Austyn.

Long hair was too much maintenance.

like it better when it's longer," Austyn said.

"It's my hair,' shot back. I like the way it is."

Austyn kissed the top of her head, 'We'll get a housekeeper and a cook. They can take care of the chores. You'll have more time to yourself.

Kura said in


Ausies set acide the towel

He rested his head on her shoulder, inhaling the green apple scent of her shampoo.

"You smell nice, he muttered.

Mira squirmed and tried to get u

up from his lap.

Auty kept her in place with both arms,

He kissed the nape of her neck, her shoulder blade, and would have moved to

I lower If Kira hadn't stopped him,

"Don't' She wiggled in her arms, panting slightly. "W-walt, I have something to ask you!'

"Ask" He played with the buttons on her pyjama top, his intention plain to read

How did you find the house?

Luca searched Henry's property records. Ryan helped, too.


she owed both men auge debt of gratitude

Not A Chip off the Old Block

Not A Chip Off The Old Block

Austyn eli silent.

Kira was sitting sideways on his lap.

She tried to get a look at his downcast face. "What's wrong?

Austyn buried his head on her shoulder. 'I'm sorry."

'For what?!

'I should have protected you and the kids better

His voice was laden with guilt

Then she reached out a hand to stroke his back

"It's not your fault. It's your fa-it's Henry's facit. He's the bad guy here.'

Austyn hid his face from her

How could he not blame himself?

Kia would beate and sound if she wasn't involved with him

If she hadn't him five years ago, she would have gone on to lead an uneventful but secure lite.

Maybe she would be married to Gideon

They would have a family

Maybe they would move to Curiana, out of harm's way.

Austyn knew he was being selfish, but he used to let go of Kira.

He would still propose marriage to her five years ago, even if he had foreknowledge of everything that would happen later He would still want her by his side.

He just needed to do a better job of shielding her from the dangers.

Along while later, Austym finally raised his head.

He kissed her cheek gently.

Kira glimpsed his red-eyes. "Wece you crying?"

'No.' Austyn denied vehemently.

Hara touched her pyjama top.

The fabric near her right shoulder was damp.

She held up her wet fingertips as evidence. 'Yes, you did! You were crying!

Austyn looked away

Kira was tickled by his childish behaviour

He was acting like Jennie when she accidentally broke the glass vase on the nightstand and refused to come clean.

Kira smiled, her eyes crinkling with amusement.

"Aw, were you embarrassed" she teased him. "It's perfectly normal for a grown man to cry, you know. It's a healthy expression of your ema Am sealed her lips with a rough kiss, biting her bottom lip as punishment

His hand slipped under her pijams top

When Kira was getting light-headed from his demanding kiss, he rose to his feet, carrying her into the smaller bedroom

"Put me down!'

the kids are sleeping." Austyn laid her down gently on the bed. They are right next door. You don't want to wake them, do you

Kira mumbled a quiet protest

Austyn chuckled as he did quick work on her buttons.

Heran both hands over her silky smooth skin.

Mira squirmed and tried to roll away from h

"Don't move." He gave her body a thorough check-up. 'Did Henry hurt you?

Kira stopped moving 'No. He didn't touch me'

Austyn was only reassured after he saw for himself

Kica couldn't contain her curiosity. "Why did your father-

The warm yellow light from the bedside lamp did nothing to conceal the key coldness in his eyes.

just use his name.'

Not Chip off The Old Block

Kradid, 'Why's Henry, the way be is?

She struggled to find an apt description for the man.

'you mean, why he's a cold-blooded monster who cares nothing for his own flesh and blood?"


"You grew up in a normal world, Austyn said, "The worst people you've met are the likes of Helen Vaughn. But she's nothing compared to the evil that is Henry McCarthy

Kira agreed with Austy's assessment.

Henry was pure evil.

"Don't try to understand him, Kira. He's not normal. It looks and talks like a human being, but his heart is a dark vold. He doesn't have family or friends. He has subordinates and enemies. The only things that matter to him are money and power."

He paused. 'I told you be poisoned my mother, but I never told you why"

Charlotte's pale face flashed across Kira's mind.

Badace her father's death, Kira had liked Charlotte

She liked her mother-in-law a lot, in fact

She thought Charlotte was gentle and kind.

The woman showered Kira with maternal affection she never got from Helen.

Austyn Jet Kiralean against his chest

Their hearts beat in unison.

Her warmth and bar scent were reassuring

They were a reminder that he was not alone, and that he was not like his father.

I didn't tell you all these before, because I didn't want to scare you."

Hicate the vibration of his chest 'I'm not scared. I want to know."

Austyn stroked her back. 'When I was about ten years old, Henry suspected that my mother was unfaithful to him. He brought the man back to Cedarwood Mansion and tortured him in the study. He thought no one knew, but I was there that day.' Kira's head snapped up. You swit?"

Austyn nodded. 'I went into his study to find a book to read. When Theard footsteps, Eklunder the kneehole of his desk Henry didn't like anyone going into his study. If he saw me there, he was going to give me a beating.

Kira held his hand. "He's a bad father."

'He's not a cather at all. He's not even a human being- Austyn waited for his breathing to return to normal before continuing, "He tortured the man to death right in front of my rys. I saw bimde Then he was dragged away like a dead dog' Austyn closed his eyes and saw the grisly scene again.

He would never

et the trail of blood on the carpet, and the man's wide-open eyes as life was extinguished from them.

I told my mother about this. She finally decided to divorce hlin. But Henry refused. He didn't tolerate insubordination, including that from his wife. He put my mother and me under house ant

Kira hugged Austyn, trembling

She tried to recall what she was doing at the age often-

Whatever it was, it definitely did not woh murder and blood and imprisonment.

Ka gripped Austin's hand.

Her heart ached for him

It was a miracle der him to grow up into the principled, honourable man that he was, coming from such a household.

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